Page 177 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 177


               9.  Executive Committee members’ emoluments                 9.  執行委員會委員之酬金(續)

                    Their emoluments fall within the following bands:           其酬金分下列等級:

                                                                                         Number of members
                     Emoluments band                    酬金等級                                  委員人數
                     (in HK$Million)                   (港幣百萬元)                              2019        2018

                     Nil (waived)                       無(括免)                                  2           5
                     Below 0.1                          少於0.1                                  3           2
                     0.1 to 0.5                         0.1–0.5                                5           5

                                                                                              10          12

               10.  Emoluments of the five highest paid                    10.  五位最高酬金的管理人員
                    management staff

                    The five highest paid management staff (including the Chief   五位最高酬金的管理人員(包括行政
                    Executive Officer and Executive Director) are the directorate   總裁兼執行總幹事)是房屋協會的主
                    executives of the Housing Society. Their aggregate emoluments are   要高管,其酬金總額如下:
                    as follows:

                     (in HK$Million)                   (港幣百萬元)                              2019        2018

                     Basic salary, allowances, variable pay   基本薪金、津貼、浮動酬金
                       and benefits in kind               及實物收益                              17.2        17.2

                     Provident fund contribution        公積金供款                                 1.7         1.7

                                                                                             18.9        18.9

                    Their emoluments fall within the following bands:           其酬金分下列等級:

                     Emoluments band                    酬金等級                             Number of employees
                     (in HK$Million)                   (港幣百萬元)                              2019        2018
                     2.5–3.0                            2.5–3.0                                2           1
                     3.0–3.5                            3.0–3.5                                1           3
                     3.5–4.0                            3.5–4.0                                1           –

                     6.0–6.5                            6.0–6.5                                1           1

                                                                                               5           5

               11.  taxation                                               11.  稅項
                    The Housing Society is a charitable institution and is exempted from   房屋協會為慈善機構,根據稅務條例
                    Hong Kong taxation under Section 88 of the Hong Kong Inland   第八十八條獲豁免繳納香港稅項。
                    Revenue Ordinance.

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182