Page 182 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 182

180   audited Financial Statements 已審核財務報表

            NOtES tO tHE FiNANCiAl StAtEMENtS

            13.  Property and equipment (continued)                     13.  物業及設備(續)
                 All leasehold land and buildings stated above are situated in Hong   以上所有批租土地及樓宇是位於香港
                 Kong and comprise leasehold land as follows:                並包括以下批租土地:

                  (in HK$Million)                   (港幣百萬元)                               2019       2018

                  Long lease (over 50 years)         長期契約(多於五十年)                         143.8       144.0
                  Medium-term lease (10 to 50 years)  中期契約(十至五十年)                         13.7        14.0

                                                                                         157.5       158.0

            14.  loans receivable                                       14.  應收貸款
                 Loans receivable represents mainly the second mortgage loans   應收貸款主要是指為樓宇買家所提供
                 granted to the flat buyers and unsecured loans granted to home   的第二按揭貸款,或在樓宇管理維修
                 owners under the Building Management and Maintenance Scheme.   綜合計劃中,為業主提供的免息無抵
                 All the secured loans are secured by residential properties.  押貸款。所有有抵押的貸款是以住宅
                  (in HK$Million)                   (港幣百萬元)                               2019       2018

                  Secured mortgage loans             有抵押品按揭貸款                             73.2       120.9
                  Unsecured loans                    無抵押品貸款                               19.9        27.4

                                                                                          93.1       148.3
                  Less: impairment loss              減:減值                                 (2.6)       (3.2)

                                                                                          90.5       145.1

                  Representing:                      上列數目代表:
                  Due within one year                一年內到期                                11.1        13.9

                  Due after 1 year, but within 2 years  一年至二年內到期                           8.5        11.6
                  Due after 2 years, but within 5 years  二年至五年內到期                         14.3        22.8
                  Due after 5 years                  五年以後到期                               56.6        96.8

                  Total due after 1 year             一年以後到期總額                             79.4       131.2

                                                                                          90.5       145.1

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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