Page 187 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 187


               16.  investment related financial assets/liabilities        16.  有關投資的財務資產及負債

                    (continued)                                                (續)
                    At the end of the reporting period, the weighted average yield to   於報告期末,環球固定收益組合債券
                    maturity rate of global fixed income is 3.31% (2018: 3.56%) and   加權平均到期收益率為百分之三點
                    weighted average duration is 6.55 years (2018: 7.18 years).  三一(二零一八年:百分之三點五六)

                    On investment related financial liabilities, 27% (2018: 63%) is due for   有關投資財務負債,百分之二十七(二
                    settlement within 30 days after the end of the reporting period.  零一八年:百分之六十三)於報告期

               17.  Accounts receivable, prepayments and other             17.  應收賬項、預付費用及其他
                    assets                                                      資產

                     (in HK$Million)                   (港幣百萬元)                              2019        2018

                     Accounts receivable:               應收賬項:
                     Rent receivables                   應收租金                                 13.8        12.3

                     Prepayments and other assets:      預付費用及其他資產:
                     Interest receivables               應收利息                                 29.9        26.0

                     Investment receivables             投資應收款                               288.9       208.6
                     Deposits                           按金                                    7.9         7.7
                     Forward sales deposits held by stakeholders  預售樓宇訂金保管賬                 664.4       654.1
                     Sundry debtors                     雜項應收賬款                               12.0        39.5
                     Prepayments                        預付費用                                 10.2         7.7

                                                                                           1,013.3      943.6

                                                                                           1,027.1      955.9

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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