Page 185 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 185
15. Properties under development for sale 15. 作出售用途的發展中物業
(in HK$Million) (港幣百萬元) 2019 2018
At 1 April 四月一日 2,695.3 2,108.5
Additions during the year 本年度增加 943.4 586.8
At 31 March 三月三十一日 3,638.7 2,695.3
As at 31 March 2019, out of HK$3,638.7 million (2018: HK$2,695.3 於 二 零 一 九 年 三 月 三 十 一 日,港 幣
million), the amount of HK$688.2 million (2018: HK$2,695.3 million) is 三十六億三千八百七十萬元(二零一八
expected to be recovered or recognised as expense after more than 年:港幣二十六億九千五百三十萬元)
12 months from the end of the reporting period. 當 中, 為 數 港 幣 六 億 八 千 八 百
二 十 萬 元( 二 零 一 八 年: 港 幣
16. investment related financial assets/liabilities 16. 有關投資的財務資產及負債
(in HK$Million) (港幣百萬元) 2019 2018
(i) Investment related financial assets (i) 有關投資的財務資產
Equity securities: 股本證券:
Hong Kong 香港 4,393.2 4,435.2
Overseas 海外 9,313.2 8,933.5
13,706.4 13,368.7
Debt securities: 債務證券:
Overseas 海外 5,818.7 5,413.8
Unit trusts: 單位信託:
Hong Kong 香港 138.3 98.0
Overseas 海外 4,199.6 4,170.1
4,337.9 4,268.1
Other security investments 其他證券投資 96.8 70.6
23,959.8 23,121.2
(ii) Investment related financial liabilities (ii) 有關投資的財務負債 (45.7) (68.5)
23,914.1 23,052.7
The increase or decrease in fair values at the end of the reporting 於報告期末的公允價值增加或減少是
period are unrealised and may fluctuate subsequent to the end of the 未變現的,所以會因報告期末後的市
reporting period subject to subsequent market movements in 場在投資價格及外幣兌換率的波動而
investment prices and foreign exchange rates. 變更。
香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報