Page 186 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 186

184   audited Financial Statements 已審核財務報表

            NOtES tO tHE FiNANCiAl StAtEMENtS

            16.  investment related financial assets/liabilities        16.  有關投資的財務資產及負債

                 (continued)                                                (續)
                 At the end of the reporting period, the investment related net   於報告期末,有關投資的財務資產淨
                 financial assets are denominated in the following currencies:  額是以下列貨幣結算:

                  (in HK$Million)                   (港幣百萬元)                               2019       2018
                  HK dollars                         港幣                                 4,117.8     4,151.7
                  US dollars                         美元                                15,957.3    15,238.3

                  Euro                               歐羅                                  970.4      1,193.5
                  Pound Sterling                     英磅                                  577.1       547.6
                  Japanese Yen                       日圓                                  406.8       107.7
                  Other currencies                   其他貨幣                               1,884.7     1,813.9

                                                                                       23,914.1    23,052.7

                 The following table provides an analysis of the investments by   下表提供按地區市場劃分之投資分
                 geographical market:                                        析:

                                                                                          2019       2018
                  Equity securities                  股本證券

                  Hong Kong                          香港                                   32%         33%
                  United States                      美國                                   41%         39%
                  Europe                             歐洲                                   18%         20%
                  Japan                              日本                                    3%          2%
                  Others                             其他                                    6%          6%
                  Debt securities                    債務證券

                  United States                      美國                                   41%         41%
                  Europe                             歐洲                                   41%         43%
                  Japan                              日本                                   13%         10%
                  Others                             其他                                    5%          6%

                  Unit trusts                        單位信託
                  Europe                             歐洲                                   52%         56%
                  Others                             其他                                   48%         44%

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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