Page 189 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 189
18. Cash and bank balances 18. 現金及銀行結餘
Cash and bank balances comprise mainly bank deposits with maturity 現金及銀行結餘主要包括在少於六個
of six months or less. At 31 March 2019, the balances are 月內到期的銀行存款。於二零一九年
denominated in the following currencies: 三月三十一日,現金及銀行結餘是以
(in HK$Million) (港幣百萬元) 2019 2018
HK dollars 港幣 4,379.0 4,608.6
US dollars 美元 4,185.4 4,087.1
Other currencies 其他貨幣 48.3 153.3
8,612.7 8,849.0
The bank deposits at the end of the reporting period carry an average 期末銀行存款之平均年利率為百分之
fixed interest rate of 2.50% (2018: 1.84%) per annum. The carrying 二 點 五( 二 零 一 八 年: 百 分 之 一 點
amounts of the cash and bank balances approximate to their fair 八四)。銀行結餘公允價值與賬面值
values. 相約。
19. Accounts payable, sundry deposits and accruals 19. 應付賬項、雜項按金及應計
(in HK$Million) (港幣百萬元) 2019 2018
Payables on purchase of investments 應付購入投資 365.4 138.8
Tenants and sundry deposits 租戶及雜項按金 202.9 184.7
Accounts payable 應付賬項 578.0 792.5
Accruals 應計項目 187.6 216.7
Lease income received in advance 預收租金 1,574.8 1,266.4
2,908.7 2,599.1
Less: non-current portion 減:非流動部分 (1,453.8) (1,165.2)
1,454.9 1,433.9
Included in the above are financial liabilities of HK$1,333.9 million 上 列 數 字 包 含 財 務 負 債 總 值 港 幣
(2018: HK$1,332.6 million), of which 90% (2018: 93%) is due for 十三億三千三百九十萬元(二零一八
settlement within 60 days and 10% (2018: 7%) is after 60 days. 年:港幣十三億三千二百六十萬元),
香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報