Page 198 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 198

196   audited Financial Statements 已審核財務報表

            NOtES tO tHE FiNANCiAl StAtEMENtS

            28.  Related party transactions                             28.  有關連人士之交易

                                                                                      Amounts due from/(to)
                                                               Transactions incurred  related parties at the end
                                                                  during the year     of the reporting period
                  Nature of transactions   交易性質                 於本年度產生的交易                 關聯方款額
                  (in HK$Million)         (港幣百萬元)                  2019       2018        2019       2018

                  (i)  Government and other    (i)  政府及其他
                       government organisations    政府機構
                     Urban Renewal Scheme and   市區重建計劃及
                       property management      樓宇管理
                       Income                   收入                 13.8         1.9
                       Expenditure              支出                  (1.0)       (1.1)

                                                                   12.8         0.8        3.3         0.1

                     Mixed Development Project  混合住宅發展項目
                       Receipt on behalf        代收收入                  –         2.5
                       Repayment                償還                    –         (2.5)

                                                                      –          –           –          –

                     Premium for Flat-For-Sale   住宅發售計劃
                       Scheme                   樓宇補價
                       Receipt on behalf        代收收入               50.0        54.9
                       Repayment                償還                 (53.7)      (52.3)

                                                                    (3.7)       2.6       (1.2)       (4.8)

                     Loan repayment           償還政府貸款                3.5         3.6       (39.6)     (43.1)

                     Land premium/fees/       地價╱費用╱
                       public works             公共設施                4.4         4.8          –          –

                  (ii)  Others             (ii)  其他
                     Lease income and deposits  租賃收入及按金             1.0        30.0          –          –
                     Bank interest income/balance  銀行利息收入╱
                                                結餘                 25.8          –           –          –
                     Others                   其他                    8.5         8.4        0.6        (0.7)
                  (iii)  Emoluments of key    (iii)  主要管理人員
                       management personnel     薪酬                 18.9        18.9          –          –

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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