Page 27 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 27


                in the face of a tumultuous economic
                landscape, we not only achieved our
                planned accomplishments but also
                surpassed them. these achievements

                underscore our dedication to leveraging
                innovative strategies to navigate and thrive
                in challenging environments.



                                                Mr James Chan Yum-min

            In the face of a tumultuous economic landscape, characterised   面對經濟形勢起伏多變,加上建築成本上
            by soaring construction costs, declining property prices and   漲、樓價下跌及利率高企等嚴峻挑戰,我們
            elevated interest rates, we not only achieved our planned   不但成功達到預定目標,甚至超越預期,在
            accomplishments but also surpassed them, setting new        過程中奠定新指標。這些成果突顯我們銳意
            benchmarks in the process. These achievements underscore    善用創新策略,在充滿挑戰的環境下乘風破
            our dedication to leveraging innovative strategies to navigate   浪,奮勇前行,確立出房協作為房屋業界先
            and thrive in challenging environments, affirming our role as a   驅的地位。
            trailblazer in the housing sector.
            With robust housing development plans well in place, project   房協已制定妥善周詳的房屋發展計劃,年內
            planning and construction advanced significantly during the   大幅推進項目的規劃及施工進度。房協現正
            reporting period. While the Housing Society is gearing up for   籌劃或興建二十多個項目,並採取連串措施
            its construction peak with some 20 projects being planned or   應對建屋高峰,以提高項目管理的效率、質
            constructed, a series of measures were rolled out to enhance the   素及安全。與此同時,房協亦推行多個不同
            efficiency, quality and safety of project management, alongside   計劃促進跨代共融、推動居家安老,以及維
            many other initiatives implemented to promote intergenerational   持可持續的營運環境。
            harmony, advocate ageing in place and maintain a sustainable
            operating environment.

 24                                                     Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24   香港房屋協會 2023/24 年度年報  25
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