Page 36 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 36
Corporate Sustainability 企業可持續發展
The majority of the Housing Society’s income is derived from 房協的收入主要源自物業銷售、租賃
property sales, leasing and investments, while expenses lie within 及投資,支出則用於僱員成本、營運
the domain of employee costs, operating costs, property 成本、物業發展及社區項目成本。於
development projects and social projects cost. Investments have 回顧年內,環球巿況動盪,加上轄下
seen a setback during the year under review due to turbulent global 舊邨重建項目,令支出增加。儘管如
markets and redevelopment projects for our ageing estates have 此,房協深明提供優質房屋及服務、
increased expenses. Nevertheless, we recognise the criticality in 支持政府項目、攜手服務社區的重要
supplying quality housing and services, as well as fortifying our 性,因此,支出增加亦在所難免。房
support to Government projects to serve our communities in 協相信,長遠而言,重建項目和對政
tandem, and see increased expenses as a necessity. We believe that 府的支持將可帶來財務回報,繼而達
redevelopment projects and our support to the Government will 致企業可持續發展。
gain us financial returns on the long-term outlook, and contribute
toward our corporate sustainability.
For further details of our Corporate Sustainability in the review 有關我們於回顧年度內企業持續發展
year, please refer to pages 86 to 117 of our Annual Report 2018/19. 的詳情,請參閱《二零一八╱一九年度
Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2018/19