Page 33 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 33

STAff WELfARE 員工福利      31

            Our staff can also attend workshops that hone their computer or   員工除可參與工作坊提升電腦或語言
            language skills, as well as classes that further their professional and   技能外,亦可參加促進專業和管理發
            management development. In 2018/19, we held 90 training and     展的課程。於二零一八╱一九年度,
            development sessions, including:                                房協共舉辦了九十次培訓和發展活動,

            •  Enhancing Your MS Office 2016 Skills Workshop                •  提升您的MS Office 2016技能工作
            •  Polishing English Proposals and Reports Writing Workshop        坊
            •  Legal Seminar: Updates on Building Law and Town Planning Law  •  改善英語提案和報告撰寫工作坊
            •  Sharing Session: Opportunities to Improve Detail Design — User   •  法律研討會:建築法和城市規劃法
               Friendliness & Maintainability                                  的最新資訊
            •  Leadership Essentials Workshop                               •  分享會:改善細節設計的機會  —  用
            •  Effective Interviewing Skills Workshop                          戶友善和可維護性
                                                                            •  領導的基礎元素工作坊
                                                                            •  有效的面試技巧工作坊

            Support to Our Staff                                            員工支援

            In addition to personal development, we also value our staff’s   除個人發展外,房協亦重視員工的精
            mental wellbeing and encourage them to pursue work-life balance.   神健康,鼓勵員工追求工作與生活的
            To extend the 70  anniversary celebrations, from December 2018   平衡。房協於二零一八年十二月至二
            to March 2019, we organised “Family Fun Day” for staff and their   零一九年三月為員工及其家屬舉辦「家
            families, involving a selection of diverse itinerary options to bond   庭同樂日」,提供各式各樣活動讓員工
            with their families and friends while adding vitality to their work.   選擇,藉以加強親友聯繫,同時在工
            We saw participation from over 3,060 staff members and their    作中注入動力。超過3,060名員工和其
            families and friends, including 1,270 colleagues, at a 97.6%    家屬(包括1,270名同事)參與活動,參
            participation rate.                                             與率達百分之九十七點六。

                                                                   Training and development sessions for staff

                 Team building programme

                                                                                  香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告
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