Page 34 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 34
Housing Society Volunteer Team 房協義工隊
For over 20 years, the Housing Society Volunteer Team has been 過去二十多年來,房協義工隊一直積
actively holding and participating in community events aimed at 極舉辦及參與社區項目,向低收入及
helping low-income and needy families or individuals, including the 有需要的家庭或個別人士(包括長者)
elderly. 伸出援手。
In the year under review, our volunteers participated in activities 於回顧年內,房協義工曾參與的活動
such as: 包括:
• February 16 — Housing Society’s annual “Thousand-year-old • 二月十六日 — 房協年度「愛心千歲
Birthday Party” 宴」
• December 08 — Flag Day (Lok Kwan Social Service) • 十二月八日 — 賣旗日(樂群社會服
• June 30 — Elderly Visit and Rice Delivery Service (Jointly 務處)
organised with the Hong Kong Movie Star Sports Association • 六月三十日 — 長者探訪與送飯服務
Charities and Hing Tin Wendell Memorial Church Alison Lam (聯同香港影視明星體育協會慈善
Elderly Centre) 基金及興田邨道真堂愛禮信長者中
Over 60 staff volunteers participated in volunteer activities during 於回顧年內,超過六十名職員義工參
the year under review, totalling over 200 service hours, serving 與義工服務,服務時間合共超過200
more than 400 elderly and underprivileged individuals. 小時,惠及逾400名長者及弱勢人士。
Scholarship Award for Children of Employees 員工子女獎學金
Introduced in 2006, the Housing Society Scholarship and Bursary 「房協員工子女獎助學金計劃」於二零
Award Scheme for Employee’s Children aims to encourage children 零六年設立,旨在鼓勵員工子女在學
of our staff members to pursue academic excellence and foster 術上取得傑出表現,促進年青一代全
holistic development for the younger generation. 面發展。
Since its inception, 643 children of employees have benefitted from 獎助學金自設立以來惠澤643名員工子
the Award, amounting to a total of HK$1.69 million granted in 女,資助金額合共169萬港元。
Housing Society Volunteer Team Housing Society Scholarship and Bursary Award Scheme for Employee’s Children
房協義工隊 房協員工子女獎助學金計劃
Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2018/19