Page 35 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 35
STAff WELfARE 員工福利 33
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) 職業安全健康
The safety of our staff, consultants and contractors is of utmost 房協非常重視員工、顧問及承辦商的
importance to us. To ensure safety at the workplace and to promote 安全。為確保工作環境安全及向大眾
a safe working environment among the general public, we provide 推廣安全工作環境,房協定期舉辦培
regular training sessions and workshops. 訓活動及工作坊。
In the year under review, we sponsored a total of HK$60,000 for 於回顧年內,房協透過職業安全健康
various safety and health promotional activities through the 局向多項推廣安全與健康的活動贊助
Occupational Safety and Health Council. We also arranged our staff 合共60,000港元。房協亦安排員工參
to take part in events such as OSH forums, sharing and information 與職業安全健康論壇、資訊分享會等
sessions, as well as organising site inspections and visits. 活動,並組織實地考察及參觀。
To promote safety in estates and the community, the Housing 為推廣屋邨及社區安全,房協參與了
Society partook the Hong Kong Safe and Healthy Estate 職業安全健康局舉辦的香港安健屋邨
Accreditation Scheme organised by the Occupational Safety and 認證計劃。房協轄下屋邨接受有關屋
Health Council. Our estates were inspected in the areas of estate 邨管理、管理政策及所採取行動的審
management, management policy and actions taken. Six of our 視,其中六個屋邨在安全及健康管理
estates were certified by the Council for outstanding achievements 方面表現出色,獲得職業安全健康局
in safety and health management. 認證。
In 2018/19, accident rate at construction
sites of the Housing Society per 1,000
workers was at
於二零一八╱一九年度, cases
房協的建築地盤意外率為每千名工人 8.7 宗意外
Bestowed the Occupational Safety and
Health Excellence Award in 2018
香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告