Page 32 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 32
Staff Welfare 員工福利
By investing in our staff’s professional development and their 房協投放資源促進員工的專業發展及
mental health, we aim to bring about well-rounded lives inside and 精神健康,全面關注員工於房協內外
outside of the Housing Society. 的身心健康。
Staff Recognition 肯定員工的貢獻
In recognition of our staff’s outstanding contributions, we present 為表揚員工的優秀表現,房協每年向
the Hong Kong Housing Society Smart Award to individuals or 個別員工或團隊頒發「『醒目』獎」,旨
teams on an annual basis. The award serves as a positive 在鼓勵員工積極表現、加強歸屬感及
reinforcement for performance, fosters a stronger sense of 表揚員工作出的貢獻。獲獎人士均能
belonging among staff and provides a channel to celebrate our 展現房協的一項或多項核心價值,面
staff’s achievements. Award winners have shown exemplary 對逆境仍加倍努力達到超出預期的表
demonstration of one or a combination of our core values, put forth 現,或其貢獻為社會帶來豐碩成果。
extra effort beyond expectations in a difficult situation, or 於回顧期內,房協共頒發約九十個獎
contributed in a way that led to a positive business result. During 項,表揚近1,070名員工的傑出表現。
the review period, around 90 awards were presented, to the benefit
of almost 1,070 staff.
Housing Society received the certification of “QF Star Support”, in
recognition of its support to Qualifications Framework
Staff Development 員工發展
With “Talent” as one of our core values, we place great emphasis on 「人才為基」乃房協的核心價值之一,
the professional development of our staff through various activities. 我們非常重視員工的專業發展,透過
Through such activities, we promote team spirit and team harmony 舉辦不同活動,包括每三年推行全公
through organising corporate-wide team-building training 司的團隊建立培訓計劃,藉此加強團
programmes every three years. In the year under review, a 隊精神及促進團隊和諧。於回顧年內,
programme themed “ONE Team ONE Goal” was organised, focusing 房協舉辦名為「房協一心見新高」的團
on critical thinking and collaboration. 隊培訓活動,內容集中於具批判思考
Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2018/19