Page 4 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
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            In seven decades of providing affordable housing to the Hong Kong   過去七十年,香港房屋協會一直為市
            community, the Hong Kong Housing Society has evolved in tandem   民提供可負擔的房屋,與香港一同成
            with the city. As an organisation that does not shy away from   長。作為一所創新求進的機構,我們
            innovation and novel ideas, we possess a similar vein of passion to   積極透過履行社會責任和推動可持續
            realising our vision in a socially responsible and sustainable manner.  發展,實現企業願景。

            We have an Environmental Management System in place that        我們的環境管理體系,有系統地引領
            systematically guide the entire organisation to execute the policy on   整個機構在各個業務範疇及日常營運
            environmental management in every area of business and daily    中實踐環保政策。在進行項目發展時,
            operations. Every construction project that we undertake is     在建築周期的每個環節均符合環保設
            completed from start to finish with environmentally friendly designs   計及綠色概念,務求對環境的影響減
            and green initiatives to minimise the impacts we make on the    至最低。我們所有發展項目均須經過
            environment. All of our development projects have undergone the   「建築環境評估法」或「綠建環評」。於
            BEAM or BEAM Plus Assessment, and we are proud to have          本回顧年度,多個項目獲頒發「綠建環
            achieved BEAM Plus Gold (Provisional) Certificate in Mount Verdant   評」認證,「翠嶺峰」和「翠鳴臺」獲暫
            and Terrace Concerto, Silver (Provisional) Certificate in Greenhill   定金級,而「綠怡雅苑」及明華大廈重
            Villa, and Bronze (Provisional) Certificate in Ming Wah Dai Ha   建項目(第一期)則分別獲暫定銀級及
            Redevelopment Project (Phase I) this review year. Our sustainability   暫定銅級。我們在可持續發展方面的
            effort is cascaded to the users in our properties and offices through   努力亦傳遞至居民及員工,透過不同
            multifaceted measures that facilitate and encourage greener living.  活動和措施,鼓勵他們實踐綠色生活。

            On the social front, the Housing Society being the “housing     在社會層面上,房協作為「房屋實驗
            laboratory” shares the responsibility of providing quality living for   室」,一向視協助市民安居樂業為己
            the people and has been exploring feasible housing solutions in light   任,並因應社會的發展及需要,探索
            of the evolving community needs. Responding to the phenomenon   可行的房屋方案。在面對人口老化的
            of ageing population including the change of needs of our estate   趨勢,我們意識到屋邨居民所需的轉
            tenants, we rolled out the “Ageing-in-Place” Scheme to support our   變,因此推出「樂得耆所」居家安老計
            senior residents living independently in their neighbourhood. The   劃,協助長者住戶在熟悉的社區中頤
            social return on investment of the Scheme is encouraging and    養天年。此計劃更帶來理想的社會投
            favourable to the community’s sustainability.                   資回報,有助整體社會的可持續發展。

            On the other end of the age spectrum, we encourage our younger   此外,一個城市的可持續發展,年青
            generation to keep learning as they are instrumental to the future of   人的培育相當重要。房協亦鼓勵年青
            the city. We offer scholarships and bursaries, as well as internship   一代持續學習,並透過獎助學金、實
            and work experience programmes, to help nurture new talents for   習及工作體驗機會等,為房屋及相關
            the housing and related industries.                             業界培育生力軍。

            “Prudence” is one of our core values. In this regard, we have been   「資源為用」是房協的其中一個核心價
            managing our financial resources prudently and all business     值。我們一直審慎理財,各項業務發
            developments are carefully planned and assessed, in order to ensure   展亦會進行周詳的規劃及評估,以確
            the corporate sustainability. We attach great importance to good   保機構的可持續發展。我們亦十分重
            corporate governance and see our staff as important asset. Our   視良好的企業管治,並視員工為重要
            investment in staff development and training aims to build a    資產,在員工發展及培訓方面的投資,
            cohesive team that can facilitate the sustainable development of the   讓我們的團隊能配合機構的可持續發
            organisation. We will continue to enhance our internal awareness to   展的需要。我們會繼續積極提升內部
            sustainability. Only by being cognisant of our actions can we cement   對可持續發展的意識。唯有知行合一,
            our commitment toward environmental, social and organisational   方可堅守我們對環境、社會及機構本
            sustainability.                                                 身可持續發展的承諾。

            Walter Chan Kar-lok             Wong Kit-loong                             陳家樂           黃傑龍
                  Chairman              Chief Executive Officer and                     主席        行政總裁兼
                                            Executive Director                                    執行總幹事

            Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2018/19
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