Page 6 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 6


            Hong Kong’s sustainable development is an issue close to our core   香港的可持續發展是我們的核心關注
            and the driving force behind our organisation’s emphasis on     點,也是我們展開環保項目和措施的
            undertaking environmental projects and initiatives. We see the value   推動力。我們認為,建立一個具環保
            in building a caring community that is environmentally conscious not   意識的關愛社區不僅令居民受惠,更
            only for our residents, but also for the wider community. This   可造福社會。從建築項目的設計以至
            underlying theme permeates through the design and completion of   建築、出租屋邨及代管物業的營運管
            our construction projects, the operation of our rental estates and   理和辦公室的日常運作,都已融滙相
            managed properties and the day-to-day running of our offices.   關理念。

            The Housing Society also extends a holistic approach to providing   房協亦將其整體服務的方向,伸延到
            community services and caring for marginalised groups such as the   其他方面,包括為長者和社會上有需
            elderly or the needy, and look after our staff through work-life-  要人士提供社區及關顧服務,亦為員
            balance and professional development activities.                工提供平衡生活與工作及專業發展的

            Green Visions                                                   環保願景
            Our approach to sustainability is governed by a systematic and   我們的可持續發展方針是由一套系統
            comprehensive Environmental Management System that is applied   化且全面的環境管理體系所規管。因
            throughout our environmental initiatives. As such, we were the first   此,我們於二零零二年成為全港首個
            housing development organisation in Hong Kong to be awarded the   榮獲ISO 14001認證的房屋發展機構。
            ISO 14001 Certificate in 2002.

            By implementing measures such as dust monitoring, regular cleaning   我們在施工現場進行粉塵監測、定期
            and on-site recycling at our construction sites, our developments   清潔和建築廢料即場回收措施,務求
            are completed at minimal disruption to the surrounding community.   盡量減少發展項目對周圍環境的影響。
            Moreover, we instill environmental awareness in our residents, staff   此外,我們透過宣揚節約能源、舉辦
            and contractors through promoting energy saving initiatives,    環保活動和提供有用資訊,提升居民、
            organising environmental activities and providing useful information.   員工及承建商的環保意識。我們的環
            Meanwhile, regular recycling of office equipment and waste is   保工作亦內外一致,透過於辦公室內
            performed to maximise sustainability.                           定期回收有關設備及廢物等措施,達

            Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2018/19
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