Page 7 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 7
Community Contributions 社區貢獻
As a socially responsible organisation, the Housing Society is 房協肩負社會責任,致力服務香港社
endeavoured to serve the Hong Kong community and invest in the 群,並為下一代謀福祉。面對香港人
next generation. In response to the growing population of senior 口日益老化,我們在出租屋邨推廣「居
citizens in Hong Kong, the concept of “ageing in place” is now 家安老」的概念。同時,我們舉辦的義
implemented throughout our rental estates. Our volunteer events 工活動亦向居民宣揚和諧社會,鼓勵
and activities also promote a harmonious community for our 積極人生。我們亦會為受政府新發展
residents to live out more fulfilling lifestyles. We also offer our 區清拆行動所影響的居民興建專用安
assistance to support the development of dedicated rehousing 置屋邨,建設美好香港。
estates for people affected by Government’s development clearance
exercises, such as clearances of New Development Areas projects,
for the betterment of Hong Kong.
Corporate Sustainability 企業持續發展
In recent years, we have had to expend significant finances toward 近年,我們大幅增撥資源重建舊邨。
redeveloping our ageing estates. Many of our estates are over 40 or 房 協 轄 下 多 個 出 租 屋 邨 已 超 過 四、
50 years of age and redevelopment is critical to ensuring continued 五十年歷史,為確保優質的住屋環境,
quality in our housing services. Moreover, we have allocated 重建工作刻不容緩。此外,我們亦撥
substantial resources to supporting the Government’s projects but 備大量資源支持政府的項目,並認為
see the necessity in these projects to collaboratively serve the 該等項目需要與服務社會相輔相成。
community. We believe that these investments will garner returns 長遠而言,我們相信該等投資將會獲
in the long-term to contribute toward our corporate sustainability. 得回報,有利企業的可持續發展。
香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告