Page 5 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 5

INTRODUCTION                                                                                          3


            Established in 1948, the Hong Kong Housing Society (Housing     香港房屋協會(房協)成立於一九四八
            Society) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that develops   年,是獨立的非牟利機構,為香港市
            quality housing for the people of Hong Kong. With the support of   民建設優質居所。我們亦得到政府的
            the Government, we have implemented various housing schemes     支持,發展不同的房屋計劃,配合香
            and initiatives to meet the needs of Hong Kong. We also attach   港社會的需要。我們重視香港的可持
            great importance to the sustainable development of the city, driving   續發展,在推行不同項目及措施的同
            us to undertake projects while protecting the environment and   時,亦重視保護環境和建立關愛社區。
            building a caring community.

            We strive to make our operations more sustainable through various   為使營運模式達致可持續發展,我們
            environmental features and initiatives that are incorporated into our   在房屋項目的發展和物業管理方面均
            housing developments and property management services. Through   加入環保元素和措施。我們推出「樂得
            implementing social programmes, such as our Ageing-in-Place     耆所」居家安老計劃和「長者安居資源
            Scheme and Elderly Resources Centre, we also endeavour to fulfill   中心」等社會項目,致力履行我們對社
            our responsibility as a socially conscious organisation.        會的承擔和責任。

            Since its inception, the Housing Society has completed a total of 89   房協自成立以來,已完成共八十九個
            development projects and provided over 70,000 residential units to   項目,為香港社會提供超過70,000個
            Hong Kong communities. Upon our journey to realising our vision of   居住單位。房協致力解決住屋問題的
            being a world-class housing solution provider and innovator, we   同時,不斷創新求進,務求所提供的
            maintain our role as Hong Kong’s “housing laboratory”. By       方案達致世界水平。我們在向目標邁
            acknowledging that the city is an ever-evolving landscape with   進的同時,亦繼續擔當香港的「房屋實
            changing societal needs, we continuously adapt and remain open to   驗室」。為回應社會不斷轉變的需求,
            exploring new development models that address changing housing   房協會緊隨時代步伐,及抱持開放態
            issues.                                                         度,開拓新模式以解決不斷變遷的住

            This report reviews our performance in various sustainability   這份報告回顧了於二零一八年四月至
            initiatives, including actions taken in carbon reduction, waste   二零一九年三月期間,房協在減碳、
            management and energy saving, as well as the results of our     廢 物 管 理 及 節 能 措 施 等 環 境 及 社 會
            professional development initiatives and community services, for   方 面 的 表 現, 以 及 我 們 在 專 業 發 展
            the period from April 2018 to March 2019.                       和各項社區服務的成果。

                                           OUR CORE VALUES


                  Customer                  Talent                  Quality               Prudence
                    顧客為本                   人才為基                    優質為尚                    資源為用

                  Serve and satisfy the   Shape an attractive working   Provide quality    Maintain prudent
                  expectations of our   environment for members   products and services      principles
                     customers                and staff           提供優質的產品及服務               堅守審慎的營運原則
                  滿足客戶的要求和期望               為委員及員工締造

                                                                                  香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告
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