Page 109 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
P. 109
Cybersecurity Management 網絡安全管理
Cybersecurity is a top priority for the Housing Society. We 網絡安全是房協的重中之重。我們實施了嚴
have implemented stringent measures and robust information 謹的措施並加強資訊安全管理流程,最終獲
security management processes, leading to achieving ISO 得ISO 27001 認證,標誌著我們數碼化轉型
27001 certification as part of our ongoing digital transformation 歷程的一部分。由於每個人對保持網絡安全
journey. Recognising individuals’ pivotal role in maintaining good 的責任重大,因此我們為員工制定了全面的
cybersecurity hygiene, we have established a comprehensive 資訊安全意識培訓計劃。該計劃包括定期網
information security awareness training programme for our 絡互動培訓課程、模擬網絡釣魚電子郵件攻
employees. This programme includes regular interactive web- 擊測試,以及提供最新網絡安全防範信息的
based training sessions, simulated phishing email attack tests, 每月通訊。這些措施旨在培養機構具備警惕
and monthly newsletters that provide up-to-date information 性和復元力的資訊安全文化。鑒於網絡威脅
on cybersecurity precautions. These initiatives aim to foster our 日益增多,我們致力於採用更多人工智能網
organisation’s vigilant and resilient information security culture. 絡安全解決方案,以加強我們的防護措施。
Given the increasing number of cyber threats, we are committed
to adopting additional AI-powered cybersecurity solutions to
enhance our protective measures.
Monthly newsletters to enhance the cybersecurity awareness of our employees
106 Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 可持續發展報告 107