Page 108 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
P. 108

The Housing Society was awarded the “Network and
                                                              Broadband – Public Organization” in the Hong Kong
                                                              Business Technology Excellence Awards 2023

            Transition to Paperless Operations                          向無紙化營運轉型

            The Housing Society remains committed to promoting end-user   房協繼續致力於推廣終端用戶計算技術,如
            computing technologies such as Robotic Process Automation   機器人流程自動化(RPA)和電子表格,以簡
            (RPA) and e-forms, with the aim of streamlining internal work   化內部工作流程,降低與人為錯誤相關的風
            processes and mitigating the risks associated with manual   險。有賴房協上下的努力,我們已成功開發
            errors. As part of these efforts, we have successfully developed   了十五個RPA機器人及約二百份電子表格。
            15 RPA bots and approximately 200 e-forms. These automation   這些自動化措施節省了大量人力,同時大大
            initiatives have resulted in significant manpower savings and a   減少紙張消耗。
            considerable reduction in paper consumption.

     106                                                                                                                                                               Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24   香港房屋協會 2023/24 可持續發展報告  107
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