Page 107 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
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In light of the unprecedented pace of technological advancement, 隨著科技以前所未有的速度邁進,許多傳統
numerous conventional business processes and practices 的業務流程和工作正逐漸轉型。房協將繼續
are undergoing transformation. The Housing Society remains 探索新技術,採用創新的解決方案,以提高
committed to exploring new technologies and embracing 營運及管治方面的應變能力、成效與可靠度。
innovative solutions to enhance resilience, efficiency,
effectiveness, and reliability of our operations and governance.
Highlight of the Year 年度摘要
Throughout the year, the Housing Society has achieved 在這一年裡,房協在資訊科技方面取得重大
significant advancements in information technology, resulting in 進展,顯著提升運作效率,方便居民和員
notable improvements in operational efficiency and convenience 工。這些成就有賴新系統的實施、現有系統
for both residents and staff. These achievements were 的改進以及尖端技術的採用。
made possible through the implementation of new systems,
enhancements to existing systems, and the adoption of cutting-
edge technologies.
Exploring Artificial Intelligence Solutions 探索人工智能方案
In response to the rapidly evolving digital landscape, substantial 為了應對快速發展的數碼環境,我們大量投
investments have been made in information technology 放資源於資訊科技基礎設施,為客戶和員工
infrastructure, ensuring the delivery of secure and reliable 提供安全可靠的資訊服務。在人工智能領
information services to our valued customers and staff. Within 域,我們與用戶全面評估ChatGPT聊天機器
the realm of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”), we have conducted 人的功能和性能。
thorough evaluations of the features and performance of the
ChatGPT chatbot in collaboration with our users.
Updated Housing Management System 更新房屋管理系統
We have updated the database version of our core housing 我們亦更新了核心房屋管理系統iHousing的
management system, iHousing, and improved our backup and 數據庫版本,並改進備份和共享技術,以便
shared drive technologies to make the system cloud-ready. We 在雲端使用。我們不斷發展,開拓與時俱進
continuously evolve, pioneering innovative solutions that keep 的創新解決方案。我們在提升網絡基礎設施
pace with the times. Our innovative commitment to enhancing 方面的創新舉措獲得了「香港商業科技卓越大
network infrastructure has been recognised with an award at 獎2023」。這項殊榮彰顯房協在提高營運效
the Hong Kong Business Technology Excellence Awards 2023. 率所取得的成就,標誌著互聯互通新時代的
This recognition highlights the operational efficiency gains 來臨。
achieved by the Housing Society, marking the dawn of a new era
of connectivity.
104 Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 可持續發展報告 105