Page 111 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
P. 111
Pilot Innovative Technology Seed Fund 創新科技種子基金先導計劃
To motivate staff to put forward innovative and viable concepts 為鼓勵員工提出創新和可行概念提升工作效
that can enhance work practices, a Pilot Innovative Technology 能,我們推出創新科技種子基金,員工最高
Seed Fund was launched with potential funding of up to 可獲五十萬港元的基金撥款。最新的先導項
HK$500,000 available for application. The latest pilot project was 目是於彩頤居和樂頤居護理安老院舍推行智
to implement a Smart Monitoring System in our residential care 能監測系統,以提升住戶的照護服務質素。
homes in Cheerful Court and Jolly Place to improve the quality of
care for our residents.
PropTech Co-working Space 房地產科技共享工作室
The first-ever property technology (“PropTech”) co-working 於二零二三年七月,房協全港首個房地產科
space of the Housing Society was successfully launched and 技共享工作室正式啟用和投入營運。首批
commenced operation in July 2023. 13 innovative local start- 參與房地產科技概念驗證計劃的初創企業
ups were admitted as the first cohort participants of PropTech 共有十三間,開發有關智慧建築、樓宇維修
Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Programme to develop PropTech related 保養、環保及智能生活的方案。房協會為初
solutions focusing on construction, building maintenance, 創企業人才提供專業指導,支援他們的發
green and smart living. Professional advice is given from our 展。初創企業亦可於房協轄下的屋邨、商廈
colleagues to support the growth of entrepreneurial talents. 及╱或辦公室試行具潛力的方案。首批計劃
The start-ups can also explore opportunities to pilot potential 預計將於二零二四年年底完成。
solutions at our estates, shopping malls and/or office operations.
The first cohort of the programme is expected to be completed in
late 2024.
108 Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 可持續發展報告 109