Page 118 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 118

116   Corporate Sustainability 企業持續發展

            The Housing Society has participated in the “Family-Friendly Employers   房協參加了由「家庭議會」策劃的「家庭友
            Award Scheme” organised by The Family Council. The scheme aims to   善僱主獎勵計劃」。該計劃旨在嘉許體現家
            recognise employers that have demonstrated a family-friendly spirit   庭友善精神並推行相關政策及措施的僱主。
            and implemented related policies and practices. During the year, we   於年內,房協獲頒「家庭友善僱主」獎項和
            have been awarded the “Family-Friendly Employer”, and the “Award for   「支持母乳餵哺獎」,同時亦獲香港提升快
            Breastfeeding Support”. Meanwhile, we were given the “Happy   樂指數基金及香港生產力促進局頒發「開心
            Organisation” label presented by the Promoting Happiness Index   工作間」標誌。房協致力為員工締造愉快的
            Foundation and the Hong Kong Productivity Council. Our dedication to   工作環境及鼓勵員工追求工作與生活平衡,
            establishing a happy workplace and encouraging our staff to lead a   一直以來付出的努力備受肯定。
            balanced life was well recognised.

            information technology Support                              資訊科技支援
            Information technology (IT) infrastructure is the backbone of our   資訊科技基建是支撐房協營運的重要部分。
            operations. As such, we continue to promote effective stewardship of   因此,房協繼續推動資訊資產的有效管理,
            information assets and strive to provide a secure and highly reliable   並致力提供安全可靠的技術基建,配合以
            technology infrastructure coupled with high quality customer-centric   客為本的優質服務,滿足顧客及員工的資
            services to satisfy the information needs of our customers and   訊需要。

            External consultants have been engaged to review our network   房協聘有外部顧問負責檢討網路基建,務
            infrastructure in order to ensure the network design is living up to   求確保網絡設計在表現、可靠程度及靈活
            industry’s best practices for performance, reliability and resiliency. In   程度方面貼合業內最佳水平。此外,房協
            addition, we have successfully upgraded our user computing platform   已 成 功 將 用 家 的 電 腦 運 作 平 台 升 級 至
            to Windows 10 to improve both operational efficiency and security.  Windows 10,以便提升營運效能及保安。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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