Page 117 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 117


               Recognising the importance of family, we extend our care to family   房協深明家庭對員工而言至關重要,故將
               members of our staff. We established the Housing Society Scholarship   對員工的關懷伸延至其家人。於二零零六
               and Bursary Scheme for Employees’ Children in 2006 in an effort to   年設立的「房協員工子女獎助學金」計劃,
               encourage the pursuit of academic studies. This year, five students have   鼓勵員工的子女在學業上爭取佳績。於本
               been awarded scholarships in recognition of their stellar academic   年度,有五名學生獲頒獎學金,以嘉許其
               performance, another 39 students were granted bursaries. In 2018/19,   傑出的學術表現,另有三十九名學生獲頒
               Family Fun Day was organised with diverse itinerary options to choose   助學金。於二零一八╱一九年度,房協舉辦
               from, enabling all of our staff to enjoy pleasant leisure time with families   「家庭同樂日」,設有各項不同行程可供選
               and friends. Around 3,060 staff, their families and friends took part in   擇,讓全體員工與家人朋友共度愉快休閒
               the activities, with staff participation rate of around 98%.  時光。活動吸引約 3,060 名員工及家人朋友

               In addition, in line with the proposed measure on maternity leave in the   此外,為配合行政長官二零一八年施政報
               Chief Executive’s 2018 Policy Address, maternity leave is extended from   告所建議有關產假的措施,房協將產假由
               10 weeks to 14 weeks, and male colleagues are entitled to enjoy 5 days   十星期延長至十四星期,而男同事亦可享
               of full-pay paternity leave.                                有五天全薪侍產假福利。

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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