Page 115 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 115


               Staff integrity and Professional Ethics                     員工誠信及專業操守
               The Housing Society attaches great importance to the integrity and   房協極為重視僱員的誠信及專業操守。我
               professional ethics of our employees. Representatives from the   們邀請廉政公署、個人資料私隱專員公署、
               Independent Commission Against Corruption, the Office of the Privacy   平等機會委員會及申訴專員公署的代表主
               Commissioner for Personal Data, the Equal Opportunities Commission   持防貪、個人資料、平等機會及落實公開
               and the Office of the Ombudsman were invited to deliver talks on   資料守則的相關法例的講座。
               legislation pertaining to anti-corruption, personal data, equal
               opportunities and the implementation of the Code on Access to

               These talks equipped our staff with clear guidance on upholding   這些講座為員工在執行日常職務時秉持誠
               honesty, fairness and professional ethics while performing their day-to-  信、公平及專業操守方面提供清晰指引。
               day duties. During the review year, seven refresher workshops were   於回顧年內,合共舉辦七次進修工作坊,
               held, attracting around 500 managerial and general staff.   吸引約 500名經理級及一般職級員工參與。

               A policy briefing session entitled “People Management Programme for   我們於二零一九年三月舉行一次政策簡介
               Managers (Recruitment, Managing Performance and Disciplinary   會,為經理級人員介紹人才管理計劃(招
               Procedures, Compensation and Benefits)” was held in March 2019,   聘、管理表現及紀律程序、薪酬及福利),
               attracting 38 supervisory staff. It facilitated their understanding of   吸引了38名管理人員出席,加深他們對有
               relevant ordinances, policies and procedures. During the session,   關條例、政策及程序的了解。席間,與會人
               experience and skills in people management were shared among the   士互相分享人才管理的經驗及技巧,提升
               participants to enhance their competence.                   管理水平。

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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