Page 114 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 114

112   Corporate Sustainability 企業持續發展


             Headcount by Division

             No. of Staff            as at 31 March 2019
             員工數目                    截至二零一九年三月三十一日止
                                       1,012 (78.4%)                   42 (3.4%)
                                       Property Management Division    Projects Division
                                       物業管理部                           工程策劃部
                   1 290               141(10.9%)                      38 (2.9%)
                   Total ᐼᅰ            Corporate Planning and          Chief Executive Officer
                                       Finance Division                and Executive Director’s Office
                                       企業策劃及財務部                        行政總裁兼執行總幹事辦公室
                                       57 (4.4%)
                                       Development and Marketing Division

            In 2018/19, substantial resources have been deployed in the   我們於二零一八╱一九年度投放大量資源
            development of our staff and IT structure, which their performance and   於員工發展和資訊科技基建上,因為這兩
            capacity are essential to our operations and long-term growth. At the   個範疇的表現及功能對房協的營運及長遠
            end of March 2019, the Housing Society’s total headcount was 1,290.  發展十分重要。於二零一九年三月底,房
                                                                        協共有 1,290 名員工。

            Developing a Professional team                              建立專業團隊

            learning and Development                                    學習與發展
            During the review period, we provided an average of 4.04 days of   於回顧期內,房協為每名員工提供平均四
            training per staff. Training for employees cover topics ranging from   點零四天的培訓,涉及的題材廣泛,從監
            supervisory management, personal effectiveness to soft skills for   督管理、個人效益以至軟技能,藉以提升
            enhancing staff’s professional and technical knowledge. We firmly   員工的專業及技術知識。房協深信,人才
            believe that talent is one of the most important assets of the   是公司最重要的資產之一,因此,房協透
            organisation, thus we focus on talent identification, development and   過策略思維及企業管治的培訓,專注物色
            strengthening of management competencies in strategic thinking and   人才、促進人才發展及加強管理水平。
            corporate governance training.

            A triennial corporate-wide team building training programme was held   房協於二零一八年十月至二零一九年三月
            from October 2018 to March 2019, themed “ONE Team ONE Goal” with   舉行每三年一次的全公司團隊建立培訓計
            emphasis on enhancing critical thinking and collaboration among staff.   劃,以「ONE Team ONE Goal」為主題,著重
            A total of 25 sessions were arranged and 1,241 employees had   加強員工的獨立思考和彼等之間的協調合
            participated, accounting for about 96% of eligible staff members.  作。是項計劃設有合共二十五個環節,有
                                                                        1,241 名僱員參與,佔合資格員工約百分之

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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