Page 116 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 116
114 Corporate Sustainability 企業持續發展
Staff ’s Years of Service
No. of Staff as at 31 March 2019
員工數目 截至二零一九年三月三十一日止
502 (38.9%) 221 (17.1%)
Less than 3 years 10-20 years
少於三年 十至二十年
1 290 145(11.2%) 204 (15.8%)
Total ᐼᅰ 3-5 years 20 years and above
三至五年 二十年及以上
218 (17.0%)
5-10 years
Promoting teamwork and a Caring Culture 提倡團隊精神及關懷文化
In 2018/19, the Housing Society continued to engage our staff through 房協於二零一八╱一九年度繼續為員工舉
a variety of events. 辦各項活動。
In celebration of our 70 Anniversary, the Annual Dinner held at the 為慶祝成立七十周年,房協於二零一八年
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 6 September 2018 九月六日假座香港會議展覽中心舉行周年
was attended by around 880 staff, in addition to members of the Board 晚宴,約880名員工,以及監事會與委員會
and Committees. On the occasion, 78 staff members were awarded 的委員出席。當晚有七十八名員工獲頒長
Long Service Awards, among which seven of them had joined the 期服務獎,其中七人已為房協服務三十年。
Housing Society for 30 years.
A caring and family-friendly culture was promoted among our staff and 房協推動關懷員工及家庭友善的企業文化,
their families. A range of work-life balance activities, such as health talks, 於年內舉辦健康講座、研討會及郊外旅行
seminars and field trips, were held during the year. A total of 756 staff 等活動,促進工作與生活之間的平衡。活
members and their families took part in the activities. A Flu Vaccination 動吸引共 756名員工及其家人參與。員工及
Scheme was set up for staff members and their families. Various health 家屬可參加流感疫苗計劃,並透過房協的
and nutrition tips were delivered to our staff through the online health 內聯網健康專頁「房衛網」,汲取各項有關
portal “Health Corner”. 健康及營養的資訊。
Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19