Page 113 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 113
Elderly Housing 長者房屋
Our third SEN project at Lee Kung Street commenced construction in 房協在利工街發展的第三個「長者安居樂」
December 2018. To address the needs of our target customers, the 項目已於二零一八年十二月展開工程。為
Management will optimise the facilities and design based on 解決目標客戶的需要,管理層將根據兩個
experience with the two existing developments and feedback from our 現有發展項目的經驗和租戶的回饋意見,
tenants. We will also review the sustainability of the SEN business 優化項目設施和設計。我們亦將檢討「長者
model to explore the opportunities arising from the housing needs of 安居樂」業務模式的可持續性,在長者人口
this rapidly growing sector of the population. 迅速增長的情況下開拓商機。
Property leasing and Management 物業出租及管理
Earlier this year, the Housing Society had communicated with different 房協於年初就明華大廈第二期重建項目的
stakeholders regarding the decanting arrangement for Phase 2 調遷安排與不同持份者溝通。由於受影響
redevelopment of Ming Wah Dai Ha. As the affected tenants are from 租戶屬低收入人士,未必能夠負擔新樓租
low-income groups who may not be able to afford the rent of the new 金,管理層為租戶提供不同方案和財務援
blocks, the Management has worked out different options and financial 助,確保調遷過程得以順利進行。
assistance for the tenants to ensure a smooth decanting process.
Redevelopment of Rental Estates 重建出租屋邨
Today we have seven rental estates that are more than 50 years old. Our 時至今日,房協轄下七個出租屋邨的樓齡
long-term commitment to redevelop our ageing estates is a heavy 已超過五十年。房協對於重建高齡屋邨的
burden on our financial reserves. To this end, the Government has 長遠承擔,對其財政儲備構成沉重負擔。
revised the land premium arrangements under which future rental 就此,政府已制定新政策,規定日後出租
housing projects will only be charged a nominal land premium. 屋邨項目僅收取象徵式地價。儘管如此,
Nonetheless, the challenges remain substantial as it is very difficult to 由於租戶屬意原區安置,在物色合適的安
identify suitable re-housing sites due to tenants’ expectation of in-situ 置地點方面,房協仍須面對重重挑戰。
During the year, the Government announced that it had reserved a site 年內,政府宣布已預留一幅啟德用地用作
at Kai Tak for the redevelopment of Chun Seen Mei Chuen. 重建真善美邨。
Risk assessment and monitoring have been embedded in the Housing 風險管理及監察程序一直被納入房協的管
Society’s management process. The Management will continue to 理流程。管理層將繼續檢討企業風險管理
review and enhance the ERM framework by referring to insights on 框架,並透過參考領先企業的作業模式,
leading practices, taking into account our operational environments 並考慮我們的營運環境及整體風險胃納,
and overall risk appetite. 以提升框架的成效。
香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報