Page 14 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 14

Chairman’s Statement


            We have been working hand in hand with

            the government in looking for alternative
            ways of increasing the supply of

            affordable housing, including exploring
            areas for development and initiatives

            with regard to unleashing the potential
            of existing housing resources.                     Mr Walter Chan Kar-lok
                                                               SBS, JP
            房協一直與政 府攜手合作, 探 討不同方案,                             SBS, JP

            希 望 為 市民 提 供 更 多 可 負擔 的 公 營 房 屋,


            I feel deeply honoured and privileged to have been elected Chairman   對於能夠在香港房屋協會慶祝成立七十周
            of the Hong Kong Housing Society at a time of celebrating its 70    年之際獲選為房協主席,我深感榮幸。在
            Anniversary. For over half a century, the Housing Society has assumed   過去超過半個世紀以來,本港面對房屋供
            the role of a “housing laboratory”, creating some 70,000 homes for   應短缺的嚴峻挑戰,房協一直堅守「房屋實
            Hong Kong in face of the daunting challenges of shortage in housing   驗室」的角色,努力不懈地為香港市民創造
            supply.                                                     了七萬多個居所。

            During the year, the Hong Kong society has been embroiled in heated   年內,隨著樓價不斷攀升及公屋輪候人數
            debates over the issues of land and housing supply, as property prices   再創新高,香港各界包括房協亦就土地及
            continued to mount and the number of public housing applications   房屋供應議題展開熱烈討論,積極尋求解
            reached record high.                                        決方案。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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