Page 16 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 16

14    Chairman’s Statement 主席報告

            Meeting Housing Needs through Partnership with              與政府攜手合作  滿足住屋需要
            the government

            Last year, in response to the revised pricing mechanism for Home   因應去年推出居屋定價新機制,政府就房
            Ownership Scheme, the Government has approved to grant future sites   協的資助房屋用地的地價安排作出檢討,
            for our rental housing at a nominal land premium of HK$1,000 and   批准日後以象徵式地價1,000 港元批地予房
            those for Subsidised Sale Flats (SSF) at one-third of the full market value.   協興建出租屋邨,而資助出售房屋項目的
            The revised land premium arrangements will definitely help to bring   地價則為市值的三分之一。此舉肯定有助
            down our project costs, minimise the financial impact on the Housing   降低我們的發展項目成本,減輕財務影響,
            Society and maintain our corporate sustainability in providing   以維持房協的持續發展能力,為本港市民
            affordable housing and related services to the people of Hong Kong.  提供可負擔的房屋及服務。

            Meanwhile, the Housing Society has been given full support by the   與此同時,政府全力支持房協透過重建轄
            Government to redevelop its aged rental estates with a view to   下高齡出租屋邨以增加公營房屋供應及改
            increasing the supply of public housing units and improving the living   善租戶的居住環境,並從啟德發展區撥出
            environment of tenants. One of the sites in Kai Tak Area has been   一幅土地供房協重建真善美村,及興建專
            allocated to us for facilitating the redevelopment of Chun Seen Mei   用安置屋邨,以安置受政府發展項目或市
            Chuen in the vicinity and also serving as a Dedicated Rehousing Estate   建局重建計劃影響的合資格住戶。
            (DRE) for accommodating eligible households affected by government
            development projects or projects of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA).

            Besides, in collaboration with the Government, we are working on three   此外,我們正與政府合作在粉嶺、洪水橋
            other DRE projects in Fanling, Hung Shui Kiu and Kwu Tung North. The   及古洞北發展三個專用安置屋邨。而位於
            project in Fanling, situated at Pak Wo Road, will be the first DRE to offer   粉嶺百和路的專用安置屋邨項目,將會是
            a non-means-tested rehousing option, in the form of rental housing   首個為合資格住戶提供豁免經濟狀況審查
            and SSF, as part of the enhancements to the compensation and   的安置項目,當中包括出租屋邨及資助出
            rehousing arrangements for eligible households affected by   售房屋,作為政府發展清拆行動的優化補
            government’s development clearance exercises.               償及安置措施之一。

            Optimising Housing Resources to Ensure Efficient            善用房屋資源  應對住屋需求
            From time to time, the Housing Society has put forward novel ideas of   為善用現有房屋資源,房協不時就本港房
            housing solutions and tendered advice regarding housing policies with   屋議題建議嶄新意念,並就房屋政策提供
            a view to optimising housing resources.                     意見。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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