Page 19 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 19


               Exploring innovative technologies to Build Better           探索創新技術  建設更好居所

               As a “housing laboratory”, we continuously embrace innovation for   房協作為「房屋實驗室」,致力於不斷創新,
               better efficiency, productivity and cost control on our projects. In   通過嶄新科技提升項目的效率、生產力及
               support of the Government’s drive to adopt “Modular Integrated   成本控制。為支持政府鼓勵建築業界採用
               Construction” (MiC) approach in building construction, an open area in   「組裝合成」建築法,房協將會在乙明邨的
               Jat Min Chuen was identified to build around 70 elderly flats with the   一幅空地採用「組裝合成」建築法興建約70
               MiC approach. By using the method of factory assembly followed by   個長者單位。「組裝合成」建築法是在工地
               on-site installation, it will help to improve site safety, reduce   以外的地方預先製造獨立組件,然後運送
               construction waste and minimise disturbance and noise to nearby   至工地裝嵌成建築物。這種「先裝後嵌」的
               residents.                                                  方法有助改善工地安全、減少建築廢料及

               Apart from MiC, we will be adopting the technology of Building   除「組裝合成」建築法外,我們亦將會在定
               Information Modelling for our project at Ting On Street, a site   安街項目採用「建築信息模擬」。該項目將
               earmarked for rehousing Kwun Tong Garden Estate II, due to be   會用作原區安置觀塘花園大廈第二期重建
               completed in 2023. The use of the new technology will help to bring   項目的受影響居民,預計將於二零二三年
               benefits like improving building quality, optimising planning and   完成。使用新技術帶來的優點包括改善樓
               design, and enhancing workers’ safety. By harnessing the power of   宇質素、優化規劃和設計,以及加強保障
               these advanced construction and digital technologies, I believe we will   工人的安全。在掌握此等先進的建築及數碼
               be able to build more desirable homes for both the people and the   技術後,相信房協定能以更環保的方法,為
               environment.                                                市民建設更理想的居所。

               Acknowledgements                                            致謝
               Lastly, I would like to thank our outgoing Chairman Mr Marco Wu for his   最後,房協能有今天的成就,前任主席鄔
               pivoting role in making the Housing Society a success. I was also   滿海先生功不可沒,本人謹此向鄔先生致
               grateful to our stakeholders for their unwavering support. On an   謝,同時感謝一眾持份者的鼎力支持。監
               uplifting note, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to members   事會、執行委員會及其他委員會各成員提
               of our Supervisory Board, Executive Committee, and other Committees,   供的寶貴意見,絕對是引領房協達成目標
               whose invaluable insights have served as a beacon of light and wisdom   和使命的指路明燈,本人謹此致以由衷謝意。
               guiding the Housing Society along its path, fulfilling its goals and mission.

               My sincere appreciation also goes to the Management and each of our   本人亦衷心感謝管理層和每位員工多年來
               staff, whose contributions and hard work over the years has helped us   盡忠職守、努力不懈,令房協得以精益求
               go an extra mile and made the organisation a success.       益,屢創佳績。

               Walter Chan Kar-lok, SBS, JP                                陳家樂 SBS, JP
               Chairman                                                    主席

               21 June 2019                                                二零一九年六月二十一日

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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