Page 18 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 18

16    Chairman’s Statement 主席報告

            by The University of Hong Kong. Results from the study showed that   得耆所」計劃令長者住戶獲益良多。研究結
            the elderly tenants have been experiencing a better quality of life with   果顯示長者住戶的生活質素因計劃而得到
            the scheme. I feel particularly delighted to know that our investments   改善。對於房協投入的資源能夠獲得卓越
            have generated impressive social returns.                   的社會效益,實在深感欣慰。

            Building on the success of two pilot projects of the Senior Citizen   有見兩項「長者安居樂」住屋計劃先導項目
            Residences Scheme (SEN), we are now looking to create more SEN   取得良好成果,房協將順應市民訴求,推
            projects. Currently, a third SEN project at Lee Kung Street in Hung Hom   出更多該類項目。第三個「長者安居樂」項
            is underway, which is expected to provide 300 more flats to serve the   目現正於紅磡利工街興建,預計將提供三百
            needs of middle-income elderly.                             多個單位滿足中產長者的需要。

            To further promote the benefits of “ageing in place”, we have striven to   為進一步推動「居家安老」的概念,房協積
            send the message across by arranging tours and visits to our elderly   極安排本港及海外的政府官員、商界領袖、
            housing projects for the local and overseas government officials,   年青專業人士及傳媒參觀房協的長者房屋
            industry leaders, young professionals as well as the media. To facilitate   項目,務求將相關訊息廣泛宣傳。為加強
            exchange of views and information with industry professionals over   與業界專業人士就長者房屋及可持續發展
            issues of elderly housing and sustainable growth, we have hosted a   等議題交流意見和資訊,我們主辦了一系
            series of forum and seminar, to name but a few, the International   列論壇和研討會,其中包括以「建設樂齡智
            Housing Conference “Building a Smart and Liveable City for an Ageing   慧宜居城市」為題的國際房屋研討會,及「香
            Community” and Seminar on “Housing Planning for the Ageing   港房屋規劃如何配合人口老化趨勢」研討
            Population in Hong Kong”. We hope the formation of a public discourse   會,冀望透過建構有關人口老化的公共討
            on issues relating to ageing will help to drive the Government and key   論空間,倡導政府及私人市場在提供長者
            market players to put more efforts into the provision of elderly housing   房屋及服務方面投放更多資源,並考慮將
            and services, and to consider the use of age-friendly features in their   「長者友善」的設施融入新發展項目。
            new developments.

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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