Page 17 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 17


               We have never lost sight of the well-being and housing needs, be they   我們一直將解決香港市民迫在眉睫的住屋
               temporary, of those in dire straits. In order to provide temporary homes   問題視為己任,儘管有關措施只屬臨時性
               for those on the waiting list for public rental housing who are in need   質。為了向公屋輪候冊上有迫切改善生活
               of improving the living conditions, we launched two transitional   環境需要的市民提供臨時居所,房協於二
               housing initiatives in 2018. The first “T-Home” was implemented in July   零一八年推出了兩個過渡性房屋新猷。房
               at one of our rental estates Yue Kwong Chuen, with 217 vacant rental   協於七月在漁光村推出首個「暫租住屋」計
               units pending redevelopment refurbished to provide temporary   劃,總共翻新了217個有待重建的空置單位
               accommodation. The project was well-received as the living conditions   供有需要人士申請入住。由於租戶的居住環
               of the new tenants have been greatly improved.              境獲得大幅度改善,計劃廣受讚賞。

               We launched the “Letting Scheme for Subsidised Sale Developments   二零一八年九月,房協以先導形式推行《行
               with Premium Unpaid” (Letting Scheme) in September 2018 on a pilot   政長官 2017 年施政報告》內提出的「未補價
               basis as one of the measures proposed in “The Chief Executive’s 2017   資助出售房屋  —  出租計劃」,旨在利用現有
               Policy Address” to help alleviate the hardship faced by families waiting   資源增加過渡性房屋的供應,以協助公屋
               for public rental housing and the inadequately housed with transitional   輪候冊上有迫切住屋需要的市民渡過難關。
               accommodation. Response to the scheme was relatively lukewarm. An   市民對計劃的反應相對一般。房協其後進
               online survey was subsequently conducted to collect views from over   行一項網上調查,收集超過1,400 名受訪者
               1,400 respondents. We are currently reviewing the enhancement   的意見。房協現正審視優化措施,並預計
               measures with a view to rolling out these measures in the latter half of 2019.  於二零一九年下半年推出。

               In the meantime, we have been exploring other potential sites and   與此同時,我們一直物色其他具發展潛力
               options for providing more transitional housing for the people in need.   的地段及方案,為更多有需要人士提供過
               After examining more than ten potential projects, we are planning to   渡性房屋。經評估逾十個潛在項目後,我
               enter into an agreement with the MTR Corporation Limited for using   們計劃與香港鐵路有限公司訂立協議,將
               the vacant flats of one of their premises, Trackside Villas in Tai Po, as   該公司名下位於大埔的「策誠軒」的空置單
               another “T-Home“ project.                                   位用作另一個「暫租住屋」項目。

               In the 2018 Policy Address, the Chief Executive has announced to   行政長官於2018 年《施政報告》中公布接納
               accept our recommendation of a “Flat for Flat Pilot Scheme for Elderly   房協建議的「長者業主樓換樓先導計劃」,
               Owners”. Under the scheme, owners aged 60 or over who have owned  讓年滿六十歲並擁有單位業權滿十年的業
               a subsidised sale unit for at least 10 years can sell their original flat and   主,可在未補價的第二市場出售其原有資
               then buy a smaller one in the Secondary Market without payment of   助出售單位後購買一個面積較小的資助出
               premium. This will help to ensure more efficient use of public housing   售單位。此舉一方面可讓長者選擇購買面
               resources by providing eligible elderly owners with an option to   積較小的資助出售單位,切合他們的需要,
               purchase smaller subsidised sale units which better suit their needs and   亦可騰出面積較大的單位,為合資格家庭
               circumstances, while vacating the larger flats currently owned for   提供更多空間,有助確保更有效運用房屋
               eligible families in need of more living space. We are finalising the   資源。房協現正落實該先導計劃的實施框
               implementation framework of the Pilot Scheme which will be open for   架,並預計於二零一九年下半年接受申請。
               application in the latter half of 2019.

               Caring for the Elderly with “Ageing in Place”               照顧長者  「居家安老」
               Creating homes for people in need, particularly the elderly, is always a   為有需要人士,尤其是長者創建居所,往
               satisfying experience. As the pioneer in providing elderly housing in   往令我們的工作饒富意義及滿足感。作為
               Hong Kong, we have implemented the “Ageing-in-Place” (AIP) Scheme   本港興建長者房屋的先驅,房協在轄下二十
               across 20 of our rental estates. The AIP Scheme has greatly benefitted   條出租屋邨實行「樂得耆所」計劃。香港大
               the elderly tenants, as proven by a 4-year evaluation study undertaken   學就此進行一項為期四年的研究證實,「樂

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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