Page 192 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 192
190 audited Financial Statements 已審核財務報表
21. Provisions (continued) 21. 準備(續)
(b) Provision for financial guarantee (b) 財務保證準備
In relation to the sales of properties, the Housing Society has 房屋協會曾要求銀行為其出售
requested a number of mortgage banks to grant the 物業的買家批出樓價七成以上
purchasers mortgage loans up to above 70% of the price of the 之按揭,此安排令房屋協會須
properties. Provision for claims in the event of default was 提撥準備以償還銀行因壞賬而
therefore made to indemnify the banks for losses arising from 須承擔的損失。此承擔期限為
the request. The guarantee period is 20 to 25 years. 二十至二十五年。
Measurement under HKFRS 9 for the year ended 31 截至二零一九年三月三十一日
March 2019 止年度香港財務報告準則第九
The financial guarantee contracts are measured at the higher 按照預期信貸虧損撥備及初步
of the ECL allowance and the amount initially recognised less 確認之數額減累計確認收入(以
the cumulative amount of income recognised. The ECL 較高者為準),計量財務保證合
allowance is measured by estimating the cash shortfalls, which 約。預期信貸虧損撥備通過現
are based on the expected payments to reimburse the holders 金短缺估計,而現金短缺基於
(i.e. the banks) for a credit loss that it incurs less any amounts 房屋協會預期支付持有人(如銀
that the Housing Society expects to receive from the debtor. 行)因信用損失而產生的款項與
The amount initially recognised represented the fair value at 房屋協會預期從債務人收取的
initial recognition of the financial guarantees. 款項之差額計算。初始確認的
Measurement under HKAS 39 for the year ended 31 截至二零一八年三月三十一日
March 2018 止 年 度 根 據 香 港 會 計 準 則 第
Based on expectations at the end of the reporting period, the 根據於報告期末的估計,財務
carrying amount of the financial guarantee as at 31 March 2018 保證於二零一九年三月三十一
is subject to change depending on the probability of the 日的賬面價值,是會因交易對
counterparty claiming under the guarantee which is a function 手在這財務保證中賦予的索償
of the likelihood that the financial receivables held by the 權的索償機會率而改變,索償
counterparty which are guaranteed suffer credit losses. Should 機會率取決於交易對手因持有
the actual credit losses be different from the expected, an 受保證的應收財務而導致的信
adjustment to the carrying amount of the provision may arise. 貸損失的可能性。如將來信貸
At 31 March 2018, total contingent liabilities in respect of the 於二零一八年三月三十一日,
guarantee are estimated to be approximately HK$1,185.1 估 計 有 關 或 然 負 債 為 港 幣
million which could be required to be settled on demand. 十一億八千五百一十萬元,並
Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19