Page 45 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 45

MEETING THE NEEDS OF aN aGEING POPulaTION 關顧樂齡人口所需         43

               Senior Citizen Residences Scheme                           「長者安居樂」住屋計劃
               The Senior Citizen Residences Scheme (SEN) is a subsidised residential   「長者安居樂」住屋計劃是為中等收入長者
               project for the middle-income elderly citizens, who are provided with a   而設的資助住屋計劃,項目注入「長者友善」
               lifetime tenancy to occupy the SEN unit designed with elderly-friendly   的設計特色,並為租戶提供終身租住模式。
               features. The Housing Society is now planning the third project at Lee   現時房協轄下有兩個「長者安居樂」項目,
               Kung Street, Hung Hom, which will add to our existing SEN portfolio   分別為位於將軍澳的樂頤居及佐敦谷的彩
               that comprises Jolly Place in Tseung Kwan O and Cheerful Court in   頤居,並計劃在紅磡利工街發展第三個同
               Jordan Valley.                                              類型長者房屋項目。

               The new project will feature a range of facilities like reading room, gym   新項目將設置閱讀室、健身房及戶外花園
               and outdoor garden areas, spaces that better suit the needs and   等設施,更切合租戶需要。我們亦根據兩
               purpose of the tenants. The design of the new project has been   個現有項目的經驗及住戶的意見優化新項
               enhanced and optimised by incorporating experience and feedback   目的設施及設計。利工街項目的地基工程
               from the existing tenants of SEN. Foundation works for this new Lee   已於二零一八年底動工,預期於二零二二
               Kung Street project started in late 2018, providing a total of 312 units   年竣工,落成後共提供312個單位。
               upon estimated completion by 2022.

                  Every HK$1 invested
                  in SEN, a Social Return
                  on Investment (SROI) of
                  HK$5.07 generated


                                                                                  Cheerful Court
                                 Jolly Place

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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