Page 49 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 49

MEETING THE NEEDS OF aN aGEING POPulaTION 關顧樂齡人口所需         47

               The Tanner Hill comprises three residential towers with a total of 588   「雋悅」由三楝住宅大樓組成,提供合共588
               residential units. It includes an elderly facility named Joyous Circle,   個住宅單位,並設有名為「雋康天地」的長
               which consists of an RCHE, a Day Care and Training Centre, and a   者配套設施,內有護理安老院舍「雋康頤
               Rehabilitation Centre, offering one-stop services ranging from care for   庭」、日間照護及訓練中心以及復康中心,
               seniors living independently to services for those in need of nursing   提供由獨立生活以至安老院護理等一站式
               home care.                                                  全面護理服務。

               With the well-being and needs of the seniors in mind, the residential   為長者的福祉和需要著想,住宅單位均引
               units are specifically designed with age-friendly features such as   入「長者友善」的概念設計,例如出入口均
               widened entrances without door sills, larger electricity buttons and   寬闊而不設門檻、採用按鈕較大的電掣及
               switches, and emergency alarm systems. An Integrated Care Link   開關,以及設置警鐘系統。單位內設有綜
               System, which consists of an emergency call response system, health   合護理聯絡系統,包括緊急召喚系統、健
               data collection and monitoring system and no-motion response   康數據收集及監測系統以及靜態探測系統,
               detection sensor, is in place to keep track of the tenants’ daily habits   以監測租戶的日常習慣和健康狀況。屋苑
               and health conditions. Residential tenants, while living independently   社工會定期探訪租戶,如發現長者有任何
               in their own apartments, are visited by estate-based social workers who   生活上的困難,會協助長者從社區層面上
               helped to identify issues, if any, and assisted the elderly to connect with   得到更廣泛的支援。
               the wider community for support.

               For those who need more intensive care, they may turn to the services   長者租戶如需要深切護理服務,可以轉往
               of RCHE, which features 117 beds and 24-hour on-call nursing service.   「雋康頤庭」。「雋康頤庭」設有117個床位,
               In 2018/19, two floors with 78 beds were opened for service, the   提 供 二 十 四 小 時 專 業 護 理 服 務。 於 二 零
               average occupancy rate doubled over the past year, at a rate of 85% out   一八╱一九年度,「雋康頤庭」開放兩層共
               of 78 beds as of March 2019. Also within the premises of the Joyous   七十八個床位供使用,平均入住率較去年
               Circle is the Day Care and Training Centre, which provides a range of   增加一倍。截至二零一九年三月,七十八
               day care services and cognitive training developed according to the   個床位的入住率達百分之八十五。此外,
               needs and conditions of the elderly. The Rehabilitation Centre aims to   「雋康天地」設有日間照護及訓練中心,按
               maximise independent living among seniors with on-site occupational   照長者的需要及狀況提供多項日間護理及
               therapists recommending rehabilitation programme suitable for   認知訓練。為提升長者獨立生活的能力,
               individual clients. These skilled-care services provided in the Joyous   復康中心的駐場職業治療師會為個別入住
               Circle are backed by a team of 115 trained professional staff.  長者建議合適的復康計劃。「雋康天地」由

               Ancillary facilities of the Tanner Hill include the Chinese Medicine   「雋悅」的配套設施包括香港浸會大學中醫
               Specialty Clinic of the Hong Kong Baptist University, the Healthcare   專科診所、養和醫健轄下的家庭醫學及基
               Family Medicine and Primary Care Centre and Senior Citizen Wellness   層醫療中心及長者健康中心。所有設施均
               Centre managed by the Hong Kong Sanitorium & Hospital. These clinics   位處同一地點,方便長者住客和區內居民
               and centres on the same site provide healthcare and elderly services   使用服務。
               within easy reach of both the elderly residents and members of the

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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