Page 47 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 47

MEETING THE NEEDS OF aN aGEING POPulaTION 關顧樂齡人口所需         45

                                                                     Every HK$1 invested in aIP
                                                                     Scheme, a Social Return
                                                                     on Investment (SROI) of
                                                                     HK$4.8 generated



               healthcare service providers and academics, and with the backing of   府部門、非牟利機構、醫療及學術組織合
               our counterparts and volunteers, various services are provided to our   作,以及在合作伙伴機構及義工的支持下,
               elderly tenants including home assessments and modifications, health   我們得以為長者租戶提供多項服務,包括
               check and management, as well as social care. And half of our rental   家居評估和維修、身體檢查和健康管理以
               estates consist of elderly lounges and support centres where social   及社區護理。房協轄下一半出租屋邨設有
               activities and educational talks are held to engage the seniors.  長者康樂中心及支援中心,供長者進行聯

               To provide further social support for the elderly tenants, home visits by   為了向長者租戶提供進一步社區支援,屋
               estate-based workers are carried out to identify and assess the needs of   邨辦事處職員會進行家訪,以識別和評估
               the elderly residents, and teams of AIP staff are dispatched to provide   長者居民的需要,並派遣「樂得耆所」專隊
               on-site services.                                           提供駐邨服務。

               Since the Scheme was first launched, we have served a total of around   自計劃推出以來,我們已為合共約28,000名
               28,000 residents, of which 2,178 residents are first-time participants in   居 民 提 供 服 務, 其 中 2,178 名 居 民 於 二 零
               2018/19. With our pledge to continuously improve our services for the   一八╱一九年度屬首次參與。為履行我們
               elderly, 820 home modification assessments were carried out in the   持續提升長者服務的承諾,於過去一年,
               past year and 701 units of home modification and remodelling have   我們已進行 820項家居改善評估,並為 701
               been implemented.                                           個單位進行家居維修和改造工程。

               More Elderly Housing to Meet the Needs                      提供更多長者住屋以迎合需求

               The Housing Society is always looking for new solutions to increase the   鑑於香港土地資源有限,房協一直尋求各
               supply of elderly housing in face of limited land resources in Hong   項嶄新方案以增加長者住屋供應。為此,
               Kong. We have recently proposed the first elderly housing project using   我們最近計劃於乙明邨推出首個使用「組裝
               “Modular Integrated Construction” (MiC) at Jat Min Chuen by utilising   合成」建築法興建的長者住屋項目,利用邨
               the unused plot ratio to build a 10-storey residential block with around   內尚餘的地積比率興建一幢樓高十層的住
               70 elderly-friendly rental flats.                           宅樓宇,提供約七十個專為長者而設的出

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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