Page 46 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 46

44    Business Overview 業務概覽

            The two existing SEN projects have come with social and healthcare   兩個現有「長者安居樂」項目均有提供社交
            provision as well as on-site Residential Care Home for the Elderly (RCHE).   和健康護理服務,以及護理安老院舍等設
            These are housing projects that carry a social impact. Results from a   施。這些長者住房項目具有一定的社會影
            survey conducted in partnership with The University of Hong Kong’s   響力。房協與香港大學秀圃老年研究中心
            Sau Po Centre on Ageing reveal that tenants living under the project   合作進行的調查結果顯示,居於「長者安居
            exhibit better outcomes in multiple aspects compared to the control   樂」項目的租戶無論在生活質素、自我健康
            group in terms of quality of life, self-rated health, cognitive status as   評估、認知能力以及緊急救援和醫院服務
            well as the use of emergency and hospital services. The positive data   的使用率等多個範疇的表現均較對照組別
            reflects that the comprehensive provision provided have considerably   為佳。此等數據反映有關住屋計劃提供的
            improved the residents’ quality of life and helped support independent   全面服務大幅度改善租戶的生活質素,有
            living among seniors in an effective way.                   效支援長者獨立自主地生活。

            As of March 2019, the RCHE occupancy rates at Jolly Place and Cheerful   截至二零一九年三月,樂頤居及彩頤居護
            Court were 87% and 95% respectively.                        理安老院舍入住率分別為百分之八十七及

            Ageing-in-Place Scheme                                     「樂得耆所」居家安老計劃

            The Chief Executive’s 2018 Policy Address has emphasised the   政府於《行政長官2018 年施政報告》中強調
            importance of continuing support for the concept of “ageing in place”   將繼續推廣「居家安老」的概念。房協一直
            among the elderly population. The Housing Society has striven to reach   致力為樂齡人士建構一個「長者友善」的環
            this goal by assisting the elderly to live in an age-friendly environment   境,讓他們擁有私人和獨立的生活空間。
            where they are able to lead a private and independent life.

            Under the Ageing-In-Place Scheme (AIP Scheme), senior citizens will   在「樂得耆所」居家安老計劃下,長者可在
            have ready access to health care services and social support on site or   區內或鄰近社區得到醫療服務及社區援助,
            in the residential vicinity. These support would help them refrain from   此舉有助延遲長者入住安老院並延長其獨
            institutional care and prolong their independent living.    立生活的時間。

            First introduced at Cho Yiu Chuen in 2012, the AIP Scheme is now   房協於二零一二年首次將「樂得耆所」居家
            implemented across all of our 20 rental estates. Through the   安老計劃引入祖堯邨,至今已在房協轄下
            partnership with government departments, non-profit organisations,   全部二十個出租屋邨推行。房協透過與政
            HS collaborates with

            280                  +

            organisations to bring synergy
            effects in serving elderly tenants


            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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