Page 50 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 50

48    Business Overview 業務概覽

            Overall tenant satisfaction rate for
            The Tanner Hill services reaches


            The seniors at The Tanner Hill can enjoy a relaxing lifestyle with the   「雋悅」亦提供各式各樣的設施、活動和服
            diverse range of amenities, activities and services provided there. The   務讓長者租戶能享受輕鬆自在的生活。位
            Joyous Hub at The Tanner Hill features a restaurant specialising in   於「雋悅」內的「雋悅 • 滙」附設中菜廳、西
            Chinese cuisine, a western style café, an indoor heated swimming pool   式咖啡廳和室內恆溫游泳池,開放予租戶
            and gym, which is open to tenants and registered members. The   和登記會員使用。截至二零一九年三月,
            number of registered members totalled over 2,000 as of March 2019.  登記會員數目超過2,000 人。

            To promote healthy ageing and healthy lifestyle choices among the   為宣揚健康的老年生活及健康生活方式,
            elderly residents, they are provided with a series of educational talks   「雋悅」不時舉辦教育講座和各式活動。於
            and lifestyle programme. In 2018/19, 146 tenants attended the talks. As   二零一八╱一九年度,講座吸引共146名住
            part of the “Healthy Joyous Lifestyle Programme”, nutritionist-approved   客參與。而當中的「健樂人生計劃」更以相
            meal services are available to resident subscribers at affordable prices.  宜價格為住客提供營養師認可的膳食服務。

            Since its launch, The Tanner Hill has received an overwhelming   自推出以來,「雋悅」引發社會各界熱烈反
            response from the society. All residential units in The Tanner Hill were   響。截至二零一九年三月,「雋悅」住宅單
            leased and fully occupied as of March 2019, with a waitlist of over 1,300   位已全數租出並入住,輪候申請人數超過
            applicants. A total of 117 tenancies have been converted from a short-  1,300 人。合共 117名租戶由短期租約轉為
            term lease to a long-term lease, with nearly 70% of the residents now   長期租約,現時接近七成住客簽訂長期租
            on long leases. The utilisation rate of the Day Care and Training Centre   約。截至二零一九年三月,日間照護及訓
            reached 59% as of March 2019, while the Rehabilitation Centre, with   練中心的使用率達百分之五十九,而設有
            therapists on site to deliver services and treatments, continued to   駐場治療師提供服務及治療的復康中心,
            operate at full utilisation.                                其使用率亦達至飽和。

            The Tanner Hill project has also become the focus of public attention   雖然房協多年來所提供的長者住屋項目主
            and interest, despite the fact that the elderly housing projects created   要針對中低收入長者,然而「雋悅」項目自
            by the Housing Society over the years were mainly for seniors in the   推出以來備受大眾關注。項目的成功證明
            low and middle income brackets. The success of the project proves that   優質長者房屋巿場存在需求,長遠而言,
            there is a demand in the elderly housing market and that elderly   長者房屋項目在財務上具備可行性。
            housing project is financially viable in the long run.

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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