Page 48 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 48

46    Business Overview 業務概覽

            Flat For Flat Pilot Scheme for Elderly Owners              「長者業主樓換樓先導計劃」
            Echoing the announcement of the “Flat for Flat Pilot Scheme for Elderly   就《行政長官2018 年施政報告》中所公布的
            Owners” in the Chief Executive’s 2018 Policy Address, we have been   「長者業主樓換樓先導計劃」,我們一直與
            working closely with the Transport and Housing Bureau on the   運輸及房屋局緊密合作,制定執行框架。
            operational framework. Under the Pilot Scheme, owners aged 60 or   於計劃下,年滿六十歲並擁有資助出售單
            above who have owned a subsidised sale unit for at least 10 years may   位業權超過十年的業主,可選擇在未補地
            choose to sell the original flat and then purchase a smaller flat with   價第二巿場出售單位,然後在同一市場購
            premium unpaid in the Secondary Market. The Pilot Scheme does not   買面積較小的單位。計劃不僅為長者業主
            only offer an alternative to eligible elderly owners to move to a smaller   提供多一個選擇,讓他們購買一個更符合
            flat which better suits their needs and circumstances, but also helps   需要的單位,同時有助加快資助出售單位
            encourage the circulation of subsidised sale developments and more   的流轉,更有效運用現有房屋資源。我們
            effective use of existing housing resources. We hope to launch the Pilot   希望先導計劃在獲得政策支持及批准後,
            Scheme in the second half of 2019 after obtaining policy support and   在二零一九年下半年推出。

            the tanner Hill                                            「雋悅」
            Piloted in 2015, The Tanner Hill in North Point is a non-subsidised   房協於二零一五年以先導形式推出位於北
            project for senior citizens with better financial means. The upscale   角的「雋悅」,為經濟能力較佳的長者提供
            elderly project provides an additional option for the elderly amidst the   非資助性質的長者住屋。由於現時巿場上
            absence of choices related to high-quality elderly housing integrated   缺乏具完善照護及支援服務的優質長者住
            with a wide range of care and supporting services.          屋,此項目實為長者提供多一個選擇。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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