Page 56 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 56

54    Business Overview 業務概覽

              improvement Works on Rental Estates (Expenditure)

              (Cumulative) HK$ million     as at 31 March 2019
             (累計)港幣百萬元                     截至二零一九年三月三十一日止
              3,000                  2,970    1,428 (48%)                294 (10%)
              2,500                           Estate Rehabilitation and Renovation  Building Services Improvement
                                              屋邨復修及翻新                    屋宇設備改善
              2,000                           622 (21%)                  283 (9%)
                                              Power Upgrading            Slope Improvement and Other
                                              電力提升                       Building Works
              1,000                           343 (12%)                  其他屋宇建築工程
                                              Barrier-free Access Improvement
               500                            無障礙設施改善
                 0                     Year
                  03/04            18/19 ϋ΅

            Maintenance, Redevelopment and Provision of                 維修、重建及提供新出租單位
            New Rental units

            The Housing Society is dedicated to providing safe, accessible and   房協致力為租戶提供安全、便利及優質的
            quality housing units for our tenants. In the past year, in tandem with   居所。去年,房協在重建個別屋邨的同時,
            the redevelopment of individual estates, we continued to monitor and   繼續監察及維修其他出租屋邨的狀況,並
            conduct maintenance at various estates and identified areas where   作出適切的改善。
            improvements can be made.

            In 2018/19, we completed the second phase of the lift replacement   於二零一八╱一九年度,房協完成紅磡家
            project at Ka Wai Chuen in Hung Hom with the installation of another   維邨更換升降機項目第二期工程,額外安
            five lift cars, to improve the mobility and accessibility of tenants. The   裝五台升降機,便利租戶進出。整個項目
            entire project, commenced in May 2017, involved the replacement of   於二零一七年五月展開,包括更換可到達
            15 lifts for accessing the two uppermost floors of the five rental blocks   家維邨五座出租樓宇最高兩層的十五台升
            at Ka Wai Chuen. Meanwhile, we are also studying the extension and   降機。同時,房協亦研究於觀塘花園大廈
            addition of lift services at individual floors in Kwun Tong Garden Estate   及樂民新村個別樓層分別擴展及增添升降
            and Lok Man Sun Chuen respectively.                         機服務。

            The Housing Society also participated in the Voluntary Building   房協推動「自願樓宇評審計劃」,鼓勵業主
            Assessment Scheme (VBAS) programme, which encourages owners to   保養及維持物業的良好狀況。年內,房協
            properly upkeep the maintenance of their properties. During the year,   三個屋邨合共十三座樓宇已參與「自願樓宇
            VBAS assessment has been carried out on 13 blocks in three estates.   評審計劃」。此外,四個屋邨合共四十座樓
            Meanwhile, repair works have been carried out on 40 blocks in four   宇已於去年評審後進行維修工程。
            estates after assessments were undertaken in the preceding year.

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61