Page 58 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 58

56    Business Overview 業務概覽

            Caring for Our tenants                                      關顧居民
            We take pride in ensuring that our tenants are well taken care of   房協所提供的房屋及服務不但為長者締造
            beyond having a housing unit to live in. Through the provision of social   一個安樂窩,更多走一步確保居民得到妥
            activities and recreational services, we hope to create a living   善的照顧,並為此引以為傲。房協希望透
            environment conducive to a better quality of life.          過提供社區活動和康樂服務,營造優質生

            Over the past few years, we have been offering programmes and   於過往幾年,房協為居民提供切合需要的
            initiatives that specifically catered to their needs, such as the AIP   方案及計劃,例如「樂得耆所」居家安老計
            Scheme. At the other end of the targeted age spectrum, the Housing   劃。針對其他年齡層的居民,房協於二零
            Society Community Scholarship programme was set up in 2014 to   一四年為年青人設立了「房協之友獎學金」
            encourage the pursuit of academic excellence among the younger   計劃,旨在鼓勵居於轄下屋邨的年青學子
            generation in our estates. Eligible students are awarded HK$5,000   勤奮向學。計劃下,每名於香港中學文憑
            scholarships or HK$10,000 scholarships for their outstanding   考 試 獲 得 理 想 成 績 的 合 資 格 學 生 可 獲 發
            achievements in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education   5,000港元或10,000港元獎學金。於二零一八╱
            Examination. In 2018/19, a total of HK$95,000 in scholarships had been   一九年度,房協共向十五名學生頒發合共
            awarded to 15 students.                                     95,000港元的獎學金。

            Customer satisfaction is always a top priority on the agenda of the   房協一直以為住客提供滿意的環境和服務
            Housing Society. We are dedicated to listening to the feedback from   為首要任務。房協致力聆聽居民對服務的
            our residents on our services and improving the services offered to our   意見及改善服務之建議。於二零一八╱一九
            tenants. In 2018/19, a customer satisfaction survey has been conducted   年度,房協於三十六個屋邨(包括出租及代
            across 36 estates, including rental and managed properties.  管物業)進行客戶滿意度問卷調查。

            Since 2014, the Housing Society Community
            Scholarship has offered 80 students scholarship
            amounting to
            獎學金合共           495,000

            HK$     港元

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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