Page 51 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 51

MEETING THE NEEDS OF aN aGEING POPulaTION 關顧樂齡人口所需         49

               To share the knowledge and experience concerning the development   為分享有關發展「雋悅」的知識和經驗,房
               of The Tanner Hill, a special publication on the project was launched   協於年內製作了項目特刊,持續推廣「居家
               during the year as part of our ongoing campaign to promote “ageing in   安老」。我們希望藉「雋悅」向業界和公眾展
               place”. We hope The Tanner Hill would serve as an exemplar   示優質長者住屋的典範。
               showcasing quality elderly housing for the industry and the public.

               Community Resources to Foster Ageing in Place               推廣「居家安老」的社會資源
               With an ageing population and an increase in general life expectancy,   隨著人口老化及預期壽命延長,關護長者
               how to take care of the elderly has become a challenging issue. To raise   將是一項社會共同面對的挑戰。為了喚醒
               public awareness about the issue of ageing and enhance      大眾對人口老化的關注及加強了解長者的
               understanding of the needs of the elderly, the Housing Society has   需要,房協不斷投放資源推廣「居家安老」
               developed resources to promote the concept of “ageing in place”.  的概念。

               The Elderly Resources Centre (ERC) at Prosperous Garden in Yau Ma Tei   房協於二零零五年於油麻地駿發花園開設
               was initially launched in 2005 with the aim to showcase the concept of   「長者安居資源中心」,旨在透過教育、健
               “age-friendly home” through education, health screening and   康檢查及專業諮詢,展示「長者友善家居」
               professional consultation. During the year, the centre has received a   的概念。年內,中心共接待20,581名訪客,
               total of 20,581 visitors, and its educational talks, training programmes   而教育講座、培訓計劃及活動共吸引547人
               and activities have engaged 547 participants, including social workers   參與,當中包括社工及專業護理人員。
               and healthcare professionals.

               The MIND-Friendly Home Exploration Centre, located in the ERC, was   「長者安居資源中心」設有「智友善」家居探
               opened in late 2017. It exhibited features of dementia-friendly home   知館,於二零一七年末開幕,展示適合認
               design, and served the goal of raising public awareness of the disease   知障礙症患者的家居設計,以提升公眾對
               by receiving 7,416 visitors during the year.                相關疾病的認識,年內探知館的參觀人次

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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