Page 57 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 57
Fostering Closer Community ties 促進緊密社區連繫
The Housing Society Community (HSC), established in 2003, aims to 「房協之友」於二零零三年成立,旨在為居
foster tighter community bonds by organising recreational activities, 民提供康樂活動及社區服務,藉以促進緊
events and services for our residents. We promote closer community 密社區連繫。房協希望透過推動社區的支
ties between our tenants through the support and engagement of the 持和參與,促進與租戶之間的緊密連繫,
wider community, with a view to promoting a more harmonious and 藉此創造更和諧及愜意的居住環境。
fulfilling living experience.
In the past year, HSC focused on supporting the AIP Scheme in enabling 去年,「房協之友」著力支持「樂得耆所」居
greater independence of our elderly tenants. In line with the concept of 家安老計劃,協助長者租戶獨立自主地生
“ageing in place”, a number of amenities dedicated to our older 活。在落實推行「居家安老」的過程中,房
residents are provided, including elderly lounges at nine of our estates, 協為長者居民提供多項設施,包括於轄下
which are specifically designed for the purpose of promoting stronger 九個屋邨設置長者康樂中心,促進鄰里之
social ties among neighbours, maintaining and building their social 間的連繫、協助長者維持及建立社區網絡,
network, as well as cultivating positive mental and physical health. 以及推廣身心健康。
The HSC has organised various kinds of activities and events ranging 「房協之友」舉辦多元化活動及項目,例如
from Creative Mural Painting, Chinese New Year Gathering, Tree 「壁畫創作」、「喜氣洋洋迎新禧」、「植樹
Planting Day, Elderly Game Day and Sports Adventure, to Boccia class, 日」、「長者同樂日」、「運動大冒險」及「長
which received overwhelming feedback from our tenants. 者硬地滾球訓練班」等,廣受住戶歡迎。
In 2018/19, the HSC organised
900 community activities
and events for
900 社區活動予
香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報