Page 54 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 54
52 Business Overview 業務概覽
Population of Properties Managed by the Housing Society
as at 31 March 2019
78,531 (59.6%) 4,566 (3.5%) 1,275 (1.0%)
Rental Estate Rural Public Housing Urban Renewal Projects
出租屋邨 郊區公共房屋 市區重建項目
131,692 17,905 (13.6%) 2,222 (1.7%) 1,021 (0.8%)
Flat-For-Sale Scheme Subsidised Sale Flats Project Quality Elderly Housing Project
Total ᐼᅰ
住宅發售計劃 資助出售房屋項目 優質長者房屋項目
14,344 (10.9%) 2,843 (2.1%) 655 (0.5%)
Sandwich Class Housing Scheme Urban Improvement Scheme Senior Citizen Residences Scheme
夾心階層住屋計劃 市區改善計劃 「長者安居樂」住屋計劃
5,928 (4.5%) 2,402 (1.8%)
Tenants Purchase Scheme Full Market Value Development
租者置其屋計劃 市值發展項目
The Housing Society is dedicated to providing our residents with 房協致力為居民提供優質房屋,並為租戶
quality flats and maintaining a safe living environment for our tenants. 建構一個安全的居住環境。
In 2018/19, the Housing Society has a portfolio of 20 rental estates 於二零一八╱一九年度,房協轄下二十個
comprising a total of 32,640 units with around 83,000 tenants under its 出租屋邨共有32,640個單位,住戶人數約
management. We have also managed 25 privately owned properties 83,000人。而房協亦為其他屋苑提供物業管
and the estates of the Tenants Purchase Scheme of the Hong Kong 理服務,包括二十五項私人物業,共19,789
Housing Authority, accounting for 19,789 flats and 4,826 units 個單位,以及香港房屋委員會轄下的「租者
respectively. 置其屋」項目,共4,826 個單位。
As half of our rental estates are erected 40 to 50 years ago, the 由於半數房協出租屋邨建於四十至五十年
maintenance and redevelopment of our aged building stock remain to 前,因此屋邨的維修及重建是我們的工作
be our primary focus. And taken into account the increasing percentage 重點。考慮到轄下出租屋邨的長者租戶比
of elderly tenants in our rental estates, with nearly 40% of residents 例日益增加,幾乎百分之四十的居民年過
aged over 60, we need to step up efforts in enhancing lift services at 六十歲,房協需要投放更多資源改善轄下
our rental estates to facilitate vertical accessibility. 出租屋邨的升降機服務,方便居民上落。
To promote the building of a cross-generational community in our 為促進屋邨建立跨代社區,房協因應不同
estates, spaces are designated to serve the purposes of different age 年齡組別的需要規劃空間用途,並定期舉
groups while community activities are periodically organised to 辦社區活動,營造和諧共融氛圍。
cultivate a sense of harmonious co-living and co-existence.
Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19