Page 59 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 59


               Results of the study show that a majority of the respondents are   調查結果顯示大部分受訪居民均表示滿意
               pleased with the services rendered by the Housing Society, with the   房協所提供服務,整體滿意度保持在百分
               overall satisfaction rate stood at 85%. They were generally satisfied with   之八十五,普遍對房協員工表現、保安、維
               the various aspects of property management operated by the Housing   修保養及環保各個物業管理範疇感到滿意。
               Society, including staff performance, security, repair and maintenance,
               and environmental protection.

               Commercial Property Management                              商業物業管理
               Satisfying the needs of our tenants is of foremost importance when   房協在篩選商業租戶時經常以住戶的需要
               selecting commercial tenants. At present, a majority of our commercial   為優先考慮。目前,房協大部分商用面積
               spaces are occupied by local neighbourhood shops (74%) and the rest   中,百分之七十四是本地商舖,其餘的百
               operated by the welfare sector (26%). Premises are rented to   分之二十六是社會服務機構營運的店舖。
               commercial tenants at full market rates while spaces are leased to social   房協根據市值租金向商業租戶出租物業,
               service providers at concessionary rates. The average occupancy rate   另以優惠租金將物業出租予社會服務機構。
               for the retail spaces is over 97% during the review period.  於回顧年度,零售商舖的平均租用率達百

               To create a better business environment for our commercial tenants   為向商業租戶提供更佳營商環境及提升居
               and improve the shopping experience of our residents, renovations and   民的購物體驗,房協會不時為購物商場進
               enhancements to the design of the shopping centres are undertaken   行翻新及優化設計工程。
               from time to time.

               In October 2018, renovations for the first floor arcade of Jubilant Plaza   於二零一八年十月,欣榮商場完成一樓商
               were completed. The reconfiguration of layout has optimised space   場翻新工程,重新設計布局優化空間配置,
               allocation to offer more choices of restaurants to our shoppers, thus   為購物人士提供更多食肆選擇,提升屋邨
               improving the dining experience for people in the estate and the   及鄰近社區居民的餐飲體驗。
               nearby community.

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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