Page 62 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 62

60    Business Overview 業務概覽

            BuilDiNg QuAlitY HOMES

              units of Projects Developed

              No. of Units            as at 31 March 2019
              單位數目                    截至二零一九年三月三十一日止
                                         34,982 (51.4%)          3,146 (4.6%)            588 (0.9%)
                                         Rental Estate           Full Market Value Development  Quality Elderly Housing Project
                                         出租屋邨                    市值發展項目                  優質長者房屋項目
                    68,049               10,360 (15.2%)          1,531 (2.2%)            576 (0.8%)
                     Total ᐼᅰ            Flat-For-Sale Scheme    Urban Renewal Project   Senior Citizen Residences Scheme
                                         住宅發售計劃                  市區重建項目                    「長者安居樂」住屋計劃
                                         8,920 (13.1%)           1,338 (2.0%)
                                         Sandwich Class Housing Scheme  Rural Public Housing
                                         夾心階層住屋計劃                郊區公共房屋
                                         5,620 (8.3%)            988 (1.5%)
                                         Urban Improvement Scheme  Subsidised Sale Flats Project
                                         市區改善計劃                  資助出售房屋項目

            The Housing Society is committed to providing quality housing with   房協致力提供切合需要、實用而又安全的
            practicality, functionality and safety, with the objective to create a   優質房屋,為租戶及買家創建宜居的生活
            liveable and pleasant environment for our tenants and homebuyers.  環境。

            We have been all along working closely with the Government to   我們一直與政府保持緊密合作,不斷探索
            explore viable solutions to address the pressing housing needs of Hong   可行方案以解決港人迫切的住屋需要。去
            Kong people. Last year, the Government set out a new policy after   年,政府就房協的資助房屋用地的地價安
            reviewing the land premium arrangement for our subsidised housing   排作出檢討,並決定日後以1,000 港元象徵
            projects, under which future sites for rental housing will be granted at a   式地價批地予房協興建出租屋邨,及十足
            nominal land premium of HK$1,000 and sites for Subsidised Sale Flats   巿值地價的三分之一作興建資助出售房屋。
            (SSF) projects at one-third of the full market value. The initiative will   新政策將有助減輕房協的財政負擔及提升
            help to lift the financial burden on the Housing Society and make its   營運的可持續性。
            operations more sustainable.

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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