Page 11 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 11
Recycle bins at construction site
Use timber with FSC Certificate
Responsibly Sourced Timber 負責任地採購木材
Our domestic units feature timber products, such as 住宅單位內的木材家具(例如櫥櫃和
cabinets and doors, sourced from responsible vendors 門),木料均購自獲森林管理委員會
that have achieved certification for sustainable forest (FSC)發出可持續森林管理認證的供應
management from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). 商。
Energy-Efficient Lighting 節能照明
The walkways of our construction sites are designed 地盤通道設置光伏板發電的照明系統,
with lighting systems that are powered by photovoltaic 並安裝節能發光二極管或螢光燈管。
panels and installed with energy-efficient LEDs or
fluorescent lighting.
Water-Efficient Devices 節水裝置
Water-efficient devices have been installed, leading to 安裝節水裝置,估計每年耗水量可節
an estimated aggregate annual saving of 10% in water 省合共百分之十。單位所採用的花灑
consumption. Shower heads, taps, sink mixers and 頭、水龍頭、水槽龍頭和浴缸龍頭均
basin mixers that comply with Water Efficiency 符合用水效益標籤(WEL)第1級或第2
Labelling (WEL) Grades 1 or 2 are selected for our flats. 級。
Recycling 廢料回收
Not only is waste sorting for metal, plastic and paper 除了在地盤進行金屬、塑膠及紙張廢
available at our construction sites, we also treat 物分類,也會將廢水處理再循環用於
wastewater so that it can be recycled to be used for 車輪清洗及其他建築活動。
vehicle wheel washing and other construction activities.
香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告