Page 100 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
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Construction Sites 建築地盤
Given the inherent high OHS risks associated with construction 鑑於建築地盤的職安健風險相對較高,我們
sites, we prioritise the health and safety of our forefront 在整個項目管理過程中以前線工人的健康和
workers throughout our project management process. Our 安全為首要考慮。我們的項目策劃及管理部
Projects Division monitors safety-related matters for all ongoing 負責監察所有建築項目的安全事宜。此外,
construction projects. Additionally, we enforce strict compliance 所有承建商須嚴格遵守相關的職安健法規。
with relevant OHS laws and regulations for all contractors. In the 一旦發生事故,我們的承建商必須立即識別
event of an incident, our site contractors are required to promptly 高風險區域,並在房協的項目顧問及地盤代
identify high-risk areas and implement immediate mitigation 表人員監督下即時採取緩解措施。
measures under the supervision of our project consultant and
their onsite representatives.
Throughout the previous year, the Occupational Safety and 在過去一年,職業安全健康局(職安局)進行
Health Council (“OSHC”) conducted independent site safety 獨立的工地安全審查和突擊地盤安全檢查,
audits and random site safety checks to systematically assess 有系統地評估地盤承建商的安全表現,找出
the safety performance of site contractors. These audits aimed 迫切的風險,並提出建議以作糾正。此外,
to identify imminent risks and provide recommendations for 我們定期舉辦地盤安全、風險管理和誠信培
rectification and improvement. Regular workshops were also 訓工作坊,以提高工人和管理人員的廉潔、
conducted, focusing on site safety, risk management and 安全和健康意識。我們亦設立了獎勵計劃,
integrity training. These workshops were designed to enhance 以表揚實踐安全措施的工人。
the integrity, safety and the health awareness of both workers
and management staff. To acknowledge and reward site workers
for their adherence to good safety practices, we introduced a
safety incentive scheme.
In addition to the existing site safety measures, we have 除了現有的地盤安全措施外,我們自二零
implemented the Smart Site Safety System (“4S”) for all new 二三年三月起,在所有新建築項目中推行安
construction projects, starting from March 2023 to utilise smart 全智慧工地系統,利用智能安全設備和中央
safety devices and centralised management platform to enhance 管理平台,提升地盤安全表現。該系統有效
site safety performance. It enables effective monitoring of 監察各項活動及識別安全隱憂,從而優化建
activities and identification of safety hazards, thereby optimising 築工地的整體安全。
overall safety on construction sites.
28 24 44 43 3
independent random safety site safety risk management integrity
site safety audits inspections workshops workshops workshops
獨立的地盤 突擊安全巡查 地盤安全工作坊 風險管理工作坊 誠信工作坊
2023/24年度每千名工人的整體安全事故發生率 8.68%
The overall accident rate per thousand workers in 2023/24
98 Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 可持續發展報告 99