Page 103 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
P. 103

                                                                                   HEALTH AND SAFETY  健康及安全

            Rental Estates, Managed Properties and Offices              出租屋邨、代管物業及辦公室
            The Property Management Division (“PMD”) maintained the     物業管理部按照ISO 45001:2018 要求維護健
            Health and Safety Management System (“SMS”) in accordance   康與安全管理系統。所有員工均須遵守綜合
            with ISO 45001:2018 requirements. All staff adhered to the   管理系統手冊、工作指引和安全程序,以符
            IMS Manual, working instructions, and safety procedures to   合規格。而英國標準協會的審計報告顯示,
            ensure compliance. The audit report from the British Standards   房協在整體職業安全及建康方面取得正面
            Institution revealed an overall positive outcome in terms of   的結果。報告確認房協沒有出現任何不合規
            OHS. The report confirmed that there were no instances of non-  的情況,彰顯物業管理部對職安健的堅定承
            compliance, highlighting the PMD’s unwavering dedication to   諾。此外,物業管理部安全委員會每季度舉
            OHS. Moreover, the Safety Committee for PMD holds quarterly   行一次會議,由各委員共同商議職安健事宜。
            meetings for committee members to discuss OHS matters.

            In the event of safety incidents, it is essential for onsite   當發生安全事故,現場的工作人員代表必須
            operational representatives to immediately report the incidents   立即向指定的屋邨主管匯報。隨後,派駐現
            to the designated estate-in-charge. Subsequently, Safety    場的安全督導員會按照《意外╱事故調查程
            Supervisors assigned to the site will carry out investigations   序》開展調查,並採取適當的跟進行動。我們
            in compliance with the established Accident or Incident     參照現場安全督導員的事故報告,以及最新
            Investigation Procedures, followed by appropriate actions to   的行業安全標準和法例要求,定期評估和檢
            address the situation. We conduct regular assessments and   視物業管理業務中可識別的風險。我們務求
            review identifiable risks in our property management operations,   減少潛在的事故,為全體人員營造一個安全
            incorporating accident reports from onsite Safety Supervisors,   的工作環境。
            as  well  as  the  latest  industry  safety  standards  and  legal
            requirements. Our objective is to proactively mitigate potential
            accidents and maintain a safe working environment for everyone

            Within our offices, the Safety Committee for General Office   在辦公室內,總辦事處安全管理委員會在協
            plays a pivotal role in coordinating multiple OHS initiatives for   調員工各種職安健措施和相關事宜上擔當重
            all staff. These initiatives encompass routine safety inspections,   要角色。相關工作包括日常安全檢查、工作
            monitoring of the working environment (such as indoor       環境監測(如室內照明和環境測量),以及鼓
            illumination and ambient measurement), and engaging staff   勵員工參與不同活動,提高員工職安健的意
            in activities aimed at raising awareness about the significance   識。委員會致力向工作團隊推廣安全和健康
            of a safe and healthy workplace. The committee’s efforts are   文化。
            focused on fostering a culture of safety and wellbeing among our

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