Page 57 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
P. 57

                                                          WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MATERIAL USES  廢物管理和物料使用

            WASTE MANAGEMENT AND MATERIAL USES                          廢物管理和物料使用

            The Housing Society recognises the impact on the environment   房協意識到施工和營運產生的廢物對環
            brought by the waste generated in our construction and      境造成影響,因此我們將生命周期評估
            operations. We incorporate life cycle assessment into our waste   融入廢物管理,並在業務營運中堅持「減
            management process and uphold the “3Rs” principle: Reduce,   少( Reduce )」、「 重 用( Reuse )」和「 回 收
            Reuse, and Recycle across our business operations. To ensure  (Recycle)」的「3R」原則。發展項目與代管物
            proper waste treatment, all waste generated in our development   業產生的所有廢物均由合資格的第三方承建
            projects and managed properties is handled by qualified third-  商收集及作適當處理。此外,我們借鑒行業
            party contractors. Additionally, we leverage industry best   中的最佳做法,使用創新技術,盡量減少對
            practices and deploy innovative technologies to minimise our   環境的影響。
            impact on nature.

            Project Development                                         項目發展

            We strive to minimise waste generation by implementing      我們力求透過採用有效的資源管理策略,盡
            effective resource management strategies in our operations.   量減少營運中產生的廢物。在規劃及設計
            We engage with stakeholders including potential operators or   階段,我們與持份者,包括潛在營運商或
            end-users to understand their needs and concerns during the   使用者,保持溝通,以了解他們的需求和關
            planning and design stages. After project completion, their   注點。在項目完工後,我們會參考他們的意
            feedback is taken into consideration for design review and   見,從以檢視及優化相關設計,藉此減少日
            improvement to reduce unnecessary waste resulting from future   後進行修正或翻新的情況,減少產生不必要
            corrective interventions or renovations.                    的廢物。

            In compliance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance and the     為遵守《廢物處置條例》及屋宇署頒布的《認
            Practice Notes for Authorised Persons, Registered Structural   可人士、註冊結構工程師及註冊岩土工程師
            Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers  by the     作業備考》,我們已在所有新發展項目中加入
            Buildings Department, larger refuse storage rooms are installed   大型垃圾房,以便推動廢物分類管理。在報
            in all new development projects to facilitate waste sorting   告年度內,我們在設計控制概要中加入智能
            management. During the reporting year, we have incorporated   垃圾桶的配置要求,確保所有新發展項目有
            smart bin requirements in our Design Control Brief to ensure   足夠空間放置智能垃圾桶。
            that all newly developed projects have adequate space for the
            adoption of smart bin facilities.

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